
Saturday, October 27, 2012

RIP Jack: World's BEST cat

I love you more than anything and will miss you forever!

Please wait for me on the Rainbow bridge and please don't forget me!!

Love mom xoxo


  1. so sorry for your loss of beloved Jack...

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. Jack looks like a great cat - I have always loved tiger-striped cats. We had a cat named Tiger that looked like Jack, and I still miss him. Pets don't stay in our lives nearly long enough.

  3. I am sorry for your loss of your sweet kitty. Yellow tom cats are always the best cats. He looks like he was well loved.

  4. So sorry to read about Jack and sorry your DH isn't there with you...

  5. So, so sorry about Jack. My daughter would agree with JustPam about Yellow kitties. They really do seem so sweet.

  6. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I'm so sorry to hear about your losing Jack. Hugs to you.

  7. oh Pam ... i am that sorry for your loss ... he was your good friend and i grieve with you.

  8. I understand this pain, time will erase the hurt and only the happy memories will stay. Sending you hugs, my friend, take comfort in knowing how much your precious pet was loved, he knew that too!

  9. So sorry for the loss of your dear Jack. When I opened this post I thought "O'Malley?"Jack looks just like my O'Malley, who at 12 is beginning to slow down considerably. I am starting to have 'those" thoughts about his longevity. Remember how sweet Jack was. He will wait for you, I know this.

  10. So sorry to hear about Jack. I know what you're going thru as I just lost my Bandit last week and miss him so much. Sending you a big hug.

  11. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I am so sorry about Jack! Hopefully it helps to know that he isn't suffering anymore!

  12. Just remember, you did what was best for him. I struggled one time with one of my kitties. I kept hoping she would die at home, in my lap. Then my husband said "Are you doing this for you or for her?" I knew it was time to do what needed to be done. I firmly believe that it is hard for the ones left behind but the ones that have passed are now comfortable and at peace. Warm Hugs, Toni

  13. So sorry for your loss - they do leave footprints on our hearts, don't they?

  14. Sorry for your loss Pam, such a lot of personality in such a small package he seems to have been...sending hugs your way!

  15. I am so sorry Pam...I know how much you love your kitties. Blessings.

  16. Im crying with you. The special ones stay in your heart forever.

  17. Oh, Pam, I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. Jack left his pawprints on your heart and will definitely be waiting for you on the Rainbow Bridge. ((HUGS))

  18. My heart goes out to you Pam. I have had to make that same decision (for the same reason) and I know how hard it is. Jack is now no longer suffering and keep that in mind and treasure the joy he brought to you.

  19. ((((((((((((((Pam)))))))))))))))

  20. So sorry for your loss. I've got four critters at home (2 cats, two dogs) and I am dreading when they pass. One of the dogs has a growth on his leg, so I don't know how long 'll have him with me, but I treasure all the extra moments right now.

  21. I am so sorry :( xo

  22. I am so sorry :( xo

  23. I am so sorry :( xo

  24. I'm so sorry. I know how you must be feeling as I lost my beloved Sassy last year. I don't think the hurt ever goes away. Hugs,

  25. Oh no! I am so very sorry to hear about Jack. My heart aches for you.

  26. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  27. So sorry for your loss.

  28. So very sorry for your loss. What very sweet pictures. Losing a pet is always so very hard.

  29. It is almost two years since I lost my special Noah, my thoughts are with you and I have tears in my eyes as I type this.

  30. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Our pets are very special to us. Love the pictures of sweet Jack.

  31. Many gentle hugs - cherish the memories.

  32. Take a hug from me please; so sorry about Jack, I know he was very special.

  33. oh I am crying...they are our angels

  34. Hugs. You have lots of good memories.

  35. Oh. I'm so sorry.

  36. So very sorry for your loss.

  37. So sorry Pam. Your Jack looks so much like my Jack. My heart hurts for you!

  38. Oh I knew this post was coming soon. I am so, so very sorry. Cherish the memories. And he can keep company with my fur baby on the Rainbow Bridge. Huge hugs.

  39. I am SO sorry! He will! HUGS!

  40. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Your heart must be breaking. I dealt with this in April with our 16-yr old dog. It still hurts. Thinking of good memories helps.

  41. Anonymous11:51 AM

    So sorry to hear about your Jack. He looks so much like my Teddy. I know they are playing together at the Rainbow Bridge.I think about my Teddy every day and know he isn't having pain any more.You will always have memories of Jack. Hold on to these.

  42. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I'm so very sorry! I know your Jack is playing with my Savannah, who was also the world's best (or maybe second best next to Jack) cat. I think we'll be surprised at all the pets waiting for us someday. Maybe that's why they go before us, to be our welcoming committee. I know Jack is happy and well, surrounded by love and lots of kitty friends. Enjoy all the memories you have of him. Joan

  43. I am so sorry for your loss. No more pets for me. The loss is too hard.

  44. I have an Old English Sheepdog named Daisy at the Bridge who loves cats and will watch out for Jack. Lily, our other OES, loved them as well. I can't imagine what homecomings we are all going to have with our dear friends and companions on the Rainbow Bridge. Jack will be so happy and feel young and frisky again. He will love it. And God bless you for taking care of and loving him so much. It's hard to lose such good friends that never turn on you and that you can always count on for love.

  45. Love and purrs to you! We lost a "world's best cat" several years ago and it is so hard!

    I do feel certain that Jack is all right now - and that he'll be waiting at the Bridge for you.

    XXX from Katie and the cats (mishkathryn on Flickr)

  46. So sorry for your loss, I am sure Jack is waiting at the rainbow bridge. hugs to you.

  47. Oh I am so sorry. I know how it hurts so bad. He will wait for you. Hang in there. I am hugging you!!

  48. Oh Pam, I am so sorry for your loss.

  49. I'm so so sorry for the loss of your Jack. Sending hugs

  50. Sending hugs... they warm our hearts and bring tears when they are gone... until you meet again.

  51. I am so sorry for the loss of your Jack. It is hard to lose a furry, faithful friend. Our shephard mix Lady is aging before our eyes and really slowing is hard to see but I am grateful to help/comfort/love her during her golden years. Blessings to you and your family.

  52. This post brought tears to my eyes. I just love my cats so much. My deepest sympathy.

  53. *hugs* There's really nothing I can say that can ease your hurt. So again ... *hugs* (Would you e-mail me your address??)


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