
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Some Finishes

I went to quilting tonight with a goal of getting 2 sets of pillowcases done for Christmas gifts. 
 My friend Pauline was there to help me remember how and also to do some pressing to me, 
which made the first set go together very quickly.  

First though I wanted to share this with you.

I think she liked it!  

I made 2 sets of pillow cases. 

 The first set is for my neighbor. 
 She loves Polar bears.

The second set is for my daughter, the peacock owner.  
She now lives at Long Feather Lane Farm.
I used a peacock batik and a Pat Bravo fabric for the cuff part.

I am really happy with how they came out. 
 I hope they will be well received for Christmas.

After all your amazing comments on my sewing room I have some surprises for you tomorrow! 
 I took some photos of my stash bins in the basement.  
No one but my family has seen these! 

 I took some photos of the new, almost empty sewing space, 
so I can explain what I am thinking about doing in there.

 I counted the bins and I must say it was shocking! 
 Oh baby do I have some work to do!


PS Don't forget to leave a comment on yesterday's post for a chance to win the giveaway!


  1. They will love the pillowcases. I have been sitting here wondering what I could make for a couple of just in case gifts and it never occurred to me to make pillowcases. It was one of those DUH! moments when I saw your post....thanks for the idea. I can't wait to see your stash bins.

  2. You know pillow cases would be fabulous for a raffle prize @ MOPS since our prize table is kinda sad lately:P The peacock feather one is a beauty!!

    Have a smiley day!!

  3. They will LOVE the pillow cases (and if they don't the poor babies are free to come California, where they will be adored! LOL) I seriously can't wait to see the pictures of the stash bins and read about your plans for your new room. SO much fun (yes, I do realize I am an odd one, LOL)!

  4. Pillow cases are a fantastic idea. Yes show us your ideas because I love them. That cover is just a great idea.

  5. Pillow cases are a fantastic idea. Yes show us your ideas because I love them. That cover is just a great idea.

  6. Squeeee! The sewing machine cover is great- now have to wait till I get BOTH of my machines back to make mine! ( and after I get my Christmas sewing done)

    Wait, you didn't make me pillow cases? I am so upset!


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