
Friday, December 28, 2012

I Had A Wonderful Christmas!

Our Christmas season was B-U-S-Y!  
Just like everyone else I think.  
We drove to GR to celebrate with my dad and sister on the 23rd. 
 That made for a long day. 

 Then on Christmas eve off to Jackson (an hour away) to celebrate with the entire Lincoln clan.  Always an adventure. 
 My hubby is the eldest of 7 so there are always lots of people, kids, fun, laughter 
and of course food and this time was no exception. 
 One of my favorite parts of the day was watching my hubby read to 2 of our great nieces.

I had an interesting conversation with my BIL.  
He is the CEO of a fortune 500 company and recently was at a meeting and guess who walked in?  George W. Bush!! 
 He got to spend an evening, well he and I think he said 12 other CEO's, with the president! 
He said it was a very interesting evening and that he genuinely enjoyed president Bush. 
 I won't bore you with the details, but I enjoyed hearing all about it.

There was also other frivolity between my niece, daughter and SIL.

It snowed the whole day and night and my eldest daughter got into a car accident 
on the way to where we were.  
She was ok but her car had some damage. 
 They narrowly escaped a second hit with a semi truck. 
 Thankfully both she and her boyfriend were not injured, just shaken up! 
 Mama's arms came in handy for comforting her though. 
 Nice to know I've still got it!

We arrived home and put out the finishing touches before falling, exhausted, into bed.

I was so excited to share my gifts with you. 
 My hubby was so generous this year.
OK here goes!

I got a ton of thread from Connecting Threads. 
 I see that Amanda Jean uses and loves this thread so I thought, when it was on sale, I would try some.  I usually use Master Piece by Superior but this is much less expensive, same weight 
and same extra long staple Egyptian cotton. 
 I will let you know how it goes.

My DD1 and I happened to be online one night and she asked me what I wanted for Christmas. 
 I sent her a link to this 

She got me the darker colored Pearl Bracelets by Lizzy House! 
 (I bought the light ones)

Accuquilt had their dies an additional 15% off so I ordered the airplane one. 
 (Married to a pilot, how could I resist?) 
 The light was ordered to round out an Amazon order.

Then...WEE I got all these books that were on my wish list!

There was a HUGE surprise though, a Blue Ray player!  
Although I don't have a TV in my sewing room to use it with just yet. 
 Hmmm do you think that could be next?

I almost forgot, I also got a new lamp. 
 I have this exact same lamp already but it flickers constantly and it drives me and hubby crazy! 
 So we decided to replace it.

I think I was one lucky girl this Christmas don't you?

We went to IKEA tonight to look at storage for my sewing room. 
 I think I found what I want to use but we need to measure the space to make sure it will fit.
  OMG I am so excited I can hardly stand it!!! 
 I still have some clearing out to do in the room but I am getting so much closer!

Now, enquiring minds want to know?  
How was your Christmas??



  1. I was very overwhelmed with my gifts- a Kindle Fire and an ipod Shuffle.

    Interested in the Modern Minimal book. Let us know if it is any good.

  2. Sounds like you really made out! I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's accident. I was in a car wreck one Christmas but in the end a few days after I got engaged, so it wasn't such a bad Christmas after all, 10 years and 3 kids later;)

    I got a new camera, some Ugg slippers, and then I treated myself to waaaayyyyy too many before and after Christmas fabric sales. I'm just hoping all the packages don't come tomorrow when my husband is!

  3. Looks like you received some wonderful gifts! Hubs and I only filled each others stockings this year along with a couple of small gifts. Our children and grand children needed some things and some help filling our grand children's Christmas wishes so we decided to save up for anything we may really want, not need, after the Christmas season. I am saving for a new laptop....Hubs always stuffs my sock with Oil of Olay products.

  4. All of the festivities and gifts look amazing. Can't wait to see what you think of the thread, it is my favorite!SO glad your daughter and her boyfriend were not hurt!!

  5. You must have been a very good quilter this year!

  6. I love the connecting threads thread:) Lasts forever too! Yours is going to last awhile;)

    Have fun with your new blue ray player once you get a t.v. in your sewing room:)

  7. Glad your daughter was ok. My kids had to drive up from Battle Creek and Lansing. Said the roads were very slippery. You had a very sewy Christmas.


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