
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Whatever You Do On New Year's Day...

You will do for the entire year! 
 Ever heard that?  

I was trying very hard to do some things today that I want to be doing throughout the year, for sure. 
 I started off the morning by making a new waffle recipe.  
They were fantastic. 
 I can see I will be experimenting with cooking more this year.

I was uploading photos and had a cat helper.
 (love the fact that my hair was wet from the shower, so flattering!)  
Hallie would not leave my lap so I used her as my table. 
 Cat at my side all year? 

I did some stuff no one wants to hear about (boring, but necessary). 
 I decided it was time to get into the new sewing room and 
see how my machine would fit and it which position.  
So I was moving stuff around and I think this is going to be the arrangement.

I will end up facing the IKEA shelves once I have them. 
 This is the only way, if I want to open up my whole table that I can do so.  

See that low dresser? 
I wrenched my back moving it toward the window! 
It feels like a pulled muscle on my right side.

Then because I wanted to do something quilty, I cut my 10" squares for the Kokka fabric swap.
  I think it means I will be swapping all year too! 
 Woo Hoo! 
 I also think it means I will be spending some time in my sewing space. 

I went to see Les Mis tonight with a good friend, so spending time with friends? 

Taking pictures of my kitties? 

Last but not least?  
Why blogging of course! 

 Welcome 2013, I hope you will be a great year!!



  1. I always luv seeing your friendly cats...wish mine wasn't so aloof =(.

    Happy New Year to you!


  2. Anonymous6:40 AM

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  3. I will be looking forward to reading your blog in the new year. I really enjoy it.

  4. Oh gosh, I hope that's not true. I spent most of the day recuperating on the couch. I attempted to make a cell phone case but my brain was too mushy to calculate proper seam allowances. The only thing I did do with success was laundry and a new dinner recipe! Your day looked much, much more productive.

  5. Sorry to hear you wrenched your back moving that dresser... hope it's better quickly! Otherwise, sounds as if you had a great new year's day... and your sewing room is looking good!

  6. sounds like plans for a good year!!


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