
Friday, May 17, 2013

Blogger's Quilt Festival 2013 Throw Quilt Entry

This is my entry into the throw quilt for the Blogger's Quilt Festival.
Stop over and vote for me if you like this quilt.
It is in the throw category, or you could vote for it for Viewer's Choice.
Voting runs May 24-30th.

I have a quilt that I made for the Moda Bake Shop that was near and dear to my heart. 
 It was my first submission to the MBS and I was beyond thrilled that they accepted my quilt!
You can find the tutorial right here
 I was working on it like mad to finish the binding while I was away on vacation
 hoping to get the perfect cover shot. 
 I managed to find the perfect place and got a great shot with only the second photo.

I used my friend's long arm to lay in the beautiful feathers in every triangle, 
then used my Bernina to do all the straight lines on the inside and in the border.  
The circles in the inner border were done on the long arm also.
 It took me about 14 hours to do all the quilting!

This quilt is even more special to me because it is the last completed quilt I have with photos of 
my best friend, Jack.  

My Jack was in kidney failure and I he is now waiting for me on the Rainbow Bridge.
I miss  him every single day!

Jack NEVER left my side when I was home.  
He slept curled up in the crook of my neck or side every night.
He purred us both to sleep. 
This quilt will always remind me of him.

This is my favorite photo of Jack.  

I love you my Boo Boo Kitty and I miss you so much!



  1. Beautiful quilting! I love the little feathers! I know pets are best friends and a comfort to us daily. So sorry about Jack.

  2. This is a beautiful design and the quilting is so awesome Pam!

  3. Jack looks so happy on your quilt. Good luck!

  4. Th love the feathers in the quilting. Congrats on being a Moda shop girl.

  5. Gorgeous quilt.... even more so with your dear Jack in the pictures. I hope you find comfort every day from the quilt and your memories......

    Congrats on your Moda Shop Girl position!

  6. Lovely quilt. The simple pattern lets the quilting shine. Perfect memory quilt for Jack.

  7. very nice quilt. Love the fmqing.

  8. Such lovely quilting. Great to see it being so well used!

  9. This is a great way to use HSTs. Love the fabric. But it is your quilting that really makes this stand out. It looks amazing and I can well imagine it took all those hours to quilt. Wonderful!

  10. Sweet quilt and stunning quilting!

    Beautiful cat. My own orange puffball recently passed on so I'm very sympathetic to your missing him. Cats are awesome people, aren't they? :-)

  11. Such a beautiful quilt! I'm so sorry to hear about your Jack. He looks so sweet posing on your quilt!

  12. Looks beautiful. Love the pattern, the fabrics, and great quilting!

  13. Fabulous quilting!

  14. A delightful quilt. I love the quilting you have done on it, superb.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~