
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Paper Dolls and Small Things

I know it has been a LONG time between posts hasn't it? 
 Someone pointed that out to me today. 
 I'm sorry but sometimes there just isn't anything good to write about. 
 I began training for a 5K with a group of ladies at my gym, 
so the amount of time I spend at the gym has increased a LOT. 
 We are doing the Couch Potato to 5K program so I have to run 3 times a week.  
That's in addition to the 3 Zumba classes and the cardiolates and body pump classes. 
 With working full time, and taking care of my dad and sisters, it doesn't leave a lot of extra time to sew. 
 I have been working on the back of the Swoon wedding quilt and
 can't share that as the bride to be reads this = ) 
 I will do a tutorial on how to do the dish towels soon, I promise!  

Have you ever had sewing you *had* to do but got TOTALLY distracted by something else?  
That's what happened to me! 
 I am always looking for a project to use for leader/enders while I sew. 
 Do you guys use leader/enders when you sew? 
 I had bought a really sweet pattern called Paper Dolls and 
thought that would work but wanted to make up one block and see how it would be to use. 
 I have been wanting to do this for soooooo long and I finally made one up.

This is unpressed but how freaking adorable is this??  
Can you totally see a whole quilt made up with these??
I think I am going to put white on either side and then maybe surround it with squares. 
 I'm not sure yet. 
 I want to alternate these with a plain block and maybe an improv cat block or 2. 
 I have NO business taking the time to make this, but it is so much FUN!!! 
 I could not resist making several!  
The largest piece is the HST part of the dress and it is 2 7/8", so VERY scrap friendly! 
 I am planning on using several "skin" tones for the girls. 
 I have several more cut out and think that it will be a good L/E project.

Fatty McFatty has been helping me a lot lately too.

She sure loves laying on anything I have been making!

One of my oldest and dearest friends celebrated her 50th birthday today! 
 I cut some lilacs for her (her favorite) and make caramel brownies also her favorite!  
One of our lab mates got her this cake and it was amazing.

So happy birthday to the one person on this earth that completely understands me, every facet of me!  
I love you man! 



  1. Love the paper dolls! I was hoping you would share where you found the pattern? I've googled with no results that matched your block.
    Thanks and good luck with the 5K!

  2. The Paper dolls are cute,cute,cute!!

    It is really cool that you are training for the 5k! Keep up the awesome work Pam!!! You are encouraging me to get back out there. I started the C25K. Took a break because I was waiting for my flip belt to come in the mail so I could put my phone in it while running;)

  3. Love the paper doll pattern--might need to get that one since I have two little granddaughters--and two little great-granddaughters, too!
    I don't use leaders/enders when I am piecing on my Bernina, no need to as it doesn't make "gopher guts", but when I try to piece on the Brother I do have to. That's why I am currently only using the Brother for quilting!
    Kudos on the c25K program (as well as your other workouts)!

  4. I have friends who have had great results with that couch to 5k program. Good luck!

    I LOVE the dolls! I would like a link to the pattern too, if it's available.


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