
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What's In A Label?

Do you remember this quilt? 

 I made it for my nephew James' wedding.  

It is now quilted and bound.  
Love that stripe binding cut on the bias! 
 I have found that using silk thread to do the hand sewing of the binding works so well.  
I also press the binding toward the hand sewing side before beginning and
 it seems to help with hand fatigue.

The last thing it needs is a label.  
I usually write on my quilts but a good friend always hand embroiders her labels.  
I thought this was a good idea so thought I would give it a try. 
 I don't know about you but my writing is far from legible and I can't keep my words on a straight line.  So I came up with this great idea.  
I wrote what I wanted on the label using my computer and a font I liked. 
 I sized it to work for the label (ie not too small to stitch) and printed it.  

I then cut out a piece of white fabric to size and using a light box, transferred the words to my fabric. 
 I chose my floss colors and did the embroidery and TA-DA perfect!

I laid it face down on some scrap batting to press it so the lettering sticks up, 
you can see the batting near the top of the photo.  
I am thinking about putting some of the blue and green squares around the outside and 
then stitching, RST, to another piece of white.  
I will leave an opening to turn and once I do that there are no raw edges.  
Last will be to hand sew it to the back of the quilt.  
I am going to gift this on Saturday and I can't wait!

Here is the happy couple after they were married on June 1st!!



  1. This is such a beautiful quilt, love every little detail - the newly weds are very lucky!!

  2. Thanks for the tip on silk thread to use when hand sewing the binding........will have to try that the next time I sew on my binding. Loved the quilt and label.

  3. What a great label for a gorgeous quilt! I'm sure it will be treasured.


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