
Monday, September 02, 2013

More Vacation

The last day of our vacation was even more fun.  We spent Tuesday night at a B & B called the Sturgis House.  It was a beautiful old home in East Liverpool that used to be a funeral home!

Part of our room

 Our bed

Looking down the stairs from the top of the second floor

The sitting room on the main level. 
 The coffins were stored under this room.

More of the parlor, looking into the front hallway.

 The claim to fame of this house is that this is the place public enemy number 1 was interred.  
Pretty Boy Floyd.  He was killed on a farm just outside of town and brought here to be embalmed. 
His mother requested he be sent home so the actual funeral did not happen there. 
 They do still have the desk mask that was made of him though.

As well as loads of other historic paraphernalia pertaining to Pretty Boy Floyd and his death. 
 Very interesting.

In the morning we we headed off to Newell WV to visit Homer Laughlin pottery factory 
(where they make Fiestaware).  
We had to pass over this rickety old toll bridge, I called it a troll bridge.

I was so excited I could hardly contain myself!! 
 I have been collecting older Fiestaware for years! 
 I also use the new dishes for my everyday dishes too.  
The factory is HUGE!!  
At one time with all the add on's they used to employ over 4000 people.  
Now it's somewhere around 1000.

We took the 2 hour tour of the factory and it was very interesting. 
 I can't believe how much of the pottery they still make by hand. 
 I could not resist all the beautiful colors for pictures, so here is some eye candy for you.

This is in the retail outlet part of the building

Some of the pieces waiting to be put out for sale

On the way to the actual factory tour

Mmmmmm Fiesta Ware...

There are WAY too many photos to share here but this was in the museum.  
This is some of the old Fiewtaware and the Lilac, which was the first color ever retired.

This is a piece made in the color Raspberry, only this one bowl.  
Sure wish I had one of these!!

Funny story, as we were driving toward the factory there was a pile of what appeared to be broken ware, white and lots of colors.  
Hubby told me that's not what it was but on the tour we found out it really was broken ware.  
They are supposed to bury the broken ware. 
 Some company approached them and asked if they could use it to make counter tops with. 
 OMG I so need this counter in my kitchen!!!

Last but not least the piece I left behind.  
The dancing lady cookie jar. 
 I really wanted to take one home, but they were kinda pricey.
 This one is in the Lemongrass color.

This one was in turquoise.  

Guess I better start saving my pennies!

I hope your Labor Day was a good one, mine was!



  1. Very nice! I love the countertop. It would look great in my kitchen with my Fiestaware!!

  2. what wonderful china, never seen it n=here in UK

  3. I love being an "armchair traveler" and seeing the photos you post and talk about where you are travelling to.


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