
Friday, June 20, 2014


I don't have a single quilty thing to share (unless buying a new sewing machine foot counts). 
 I have been super absorbed in getting my father's things in order.  
WHEW!  What a LOT of work!
My best advice to you about making things easier when you get older is ORGANIZATION!!! 
 Put all your important papers together.  
Write down your login information and passwords in a book 
so your family will know what to do with all of them.  
If there are investments, try to get them into one or two places not a million 
(like my dad apparently thought was a great idea). 
 Let me tell you it is NOT a great idea and a huge amount of work to track down 
what exists and what does not exist anymore.  
Make a will and a trust and have that ready.  
You can do that now, even if you aren't older!   
OK PSA is now over we will resume our normal content!

While I was at the hotel last week waiting to get ready for the visitation, a good friend called me.  
She was at the tent sale for the Homer Laughlin company (they make Fiestaware).  
She knew I had been looking for the dancing lady cookie jar.  
I love that Seniorita!  
She is an expensive date though!!!  
My friend found one for 1/3 the original cost and wanted to know if I wanted her.  
Well hell yes I wanted her!!!  
So now she has a place of honor on my Fiesta cabinet!

I took the pics in the dark, so the color is not true.  
She is Scarlet not orange and she is beautiful!

Sometimes it's the little things that make our days.
Thanks for thinking of me, Anne!



  1. That is so cool!
    I am sorry for you loss. Reading your blog over the last few years shows how much you loved your dad. He was blessed to have you as a daughter.

  2. great collection sister collects Fiesta Ware too.

  3. Fiesta is new to me, I did have a fiesta car though till I retired then it has to go. Sorting out all your Dad`s papers etc is tough and good advice you have shared, my girls are always saying what on earth will they do with all my stitchy things, well i don`t know and I will not care once I have gone to be with my Mum and Dad.

  4. Gorgeous cookie jar. Hopefully things start to get easier soon. I try to keep my pw written down for DH but he constantly loses them. He will really be up a creek if anything happens to me.

  5. Something bright and fun to lighten your day.

  6. I've never seen the fiesta ware dancing lady. She is fantastic. I'm glad your friend thought to call you. The little things DO make all the difference.

  7. This is the most important public service announcement...I feel your frustration having lived through 2 years of paper hell. Love your señorita!

  8. I've been catching up on blogs today and just learned that your Dad has died. I am so sorry. I've commented before on some of your posts because you were going through things I had recently gone through with my Mom who had dementia - taking control of the checkbook, for instance. It may sound crazy but I feel a certain kinship as your journey with your Dad has paralleled that of my mother and me. My experience during her last days and hours mirrored yours. It was so hard but necessary and I wouldn't trade that last day by the bedside for anything. There are long days ahead and we never stop missing them. However, as everyone tells you and you think, yeah sure, it does get easier. The best advice I have is to allow yourself to grieve. Piece your grief into a quilt, relive your memories as you sew and christen it with your tears. It helped me - I hope it will help you. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.



Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~