
Monday, December 22, 2014

More Trivets

That's right.  I am making even more trivets.  
Although I do see this coming to an end in the near future. 
 I still have 4 more (I think) to make for a few more people.  
Here are the two I worked on yesterday, and they still need binding.

This nativity print was one from a while ago at JAF. 
 Isn't it cute?  
The Holiday Happy by the Happy Zombie seemed a good fit for the triangles around the Nativity. 
 I think if I make this one again I would choose different fabric for the first 2 rounds of triangles,
 but I love the nativity!

 Then Kelsey came home and wanted me to make a trivet for her to 
give to her "NC mom" to thank her for all the nice things she does for her. 
 Kelsey chose the center fabric but I really like how this one came out too.

My scrap bin has been overflowing so
 I decided to work on some scrappy blocks to see what I can use up.  
A long time ago I had seen someone put cut off triangles on the corners of a square
 then sew them together.  
I thought I would give that a try.  
I really love the look, but it doesn't use up those triangles very quickly!  
I have a lot of that cream fabric so thought I would use that for the squares. 
 I will keep you posted on this.

While I was on the computer Fatty McFatty (Aiden) decided to keep me company.  S
he really is a sweet cat.

As I got up to start wrapping presents I looked out on my deck and saw this fat little bugger. 
 Just look at his belly!!! 
 He did not even move when I opened the door.  

He ate every single apple off my apple tree this year.  

I guess he is ready for the winter!  Hey... maybe that's my problem too?!

I hope you are all getting ready for the holidays. 
 We are all set except for cookie making and a few more groceries.



  1. Your trivets are very cute. Wow he is a chunky squirrel. We have lots of them, but none as hefty as that one.

  2. Love you trivets and I always love your kitty photos. The squirrel takes the cake. My lord he is so happy! Thanks for sharing

  3. Bloooming Nana, for some reason your comment is not showing up in my email. Thank you for your kind words! Yes that squirrel is a fatty!!!

  4. oh yeah - i needed me some Aiden lovin' this morning - mmhmm...

    you with trivets, me with microwave-a-bowls - i think it's just cuz i like to actually FINISH something every once in awhile...

    i do NOT like skwerls - they are rats with bushy tails - but at least yours actually ATE the apples instead of tasting each one and then throwing them on the ground...

    how's the 'Stoner feeling? and are you having fun yet?!?

  5. Love them all.Merry Christmas!

  6. hexagons make excellent trivets maybe i will try some too. Never seen such a fat squirrel looks as though he is about to burst!I have Alfie my daughter`s fat cat at the moment, he was meant to come sunday for the night but came saturday and is going home late this afternoon, good company but very demanding!

    Have a lovely Christmas


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