
Friday, January 23, 2015

A Piece of Your Heart

Today is Friday.  The day most of us look forward to every week.  
This week Friday was not a good morning.  It began last night.  My daughter raises peacocks.  
One of the pea hens that she searched for for a long time had a sinus infection.  
So she took her to the vet.  The vet drained it and gave my daughter antibiotics to give the bird.  

My daughter noticed that the bird was not using her leg and thought it might have been dislocated from all the scuffle of the day so took her back and had an x-ray done.  
No dislocation, but clearly something was wrong.  
So he sent her home with an anti-inflammatory drug to give the bird.  
So my daughter held the bird and tried to give her the medicine and 
heard a "snap", yes, she broke her leg! 
I received a panicked call and a "mom I don't want to be alone can you come over" call.  
I packed up and drove to her house.  
The bird was quiet so we decided to let her stay calm and go to the vet again in the morning.  

This morning.  They did another x-ray and the leg was not just broken it is shattered.  
Considering the bird still has an infection and another hurt let, the vet did not advise surgery. 
 He was worried she would still not be able to use it and t
hat with the sinus infection it was likely she would become septic anyway. 
 Shelby decided to let her go.  It is always so difficult to make that decision. 
 It was the right decision, you don't want them to suffer.  
My heart breaks a little bit every time we go through this. 
Her birds are pets, part of the family, part of our hearts.  

So Godspeed Oksana.  
Go to the big lake pen run by Osirus.  
Keep Octavian, Luna and Gizmo company and play with your friends there. 
 You will be missed.



  1. I'm so sorry. I know how loved she was

  2. Is that normal for them to have brittle bones to that extent? I bet your daughter feels terrible, poor dear and poor bird too. Glad you could go and be with her.

  3. So very sorry to learn of this; sending hugs for you aching heart.

  4. Poor Shelby and Poor Oksana. You are a good mama to go to be with her. Maybe make another little peacock quilt for Shelby?

  5. so sorry...our pets are family...hugs to you all...

  6. Oh that is so sad. Big hugs.


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