
Friday, January 02, 2015

Final Christmas Sewing and Gifting

I think I am finally finished with my Christmas sewing. 
 All the trivets have been gifted except for one.  I thought I would show the last three here.  

This peacock one was gifted to my peacock loving daughter.  

Front and bck.

I finished this one for my middle daughter.  It was the only one I was tempted to keep for myself!

I am linking these two up to the Finish it up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts.
I had a wonderful Christmas.  My family spoiled me as they usually do. 
 I love that Kit Kat clock and can't wait to put it up in my sewing room.

I have been wanting to try these Block Loc rulers for a long time and can't wait to try them out!

I was finally able to gift the Tardis quilt to my son for his birthday too.
He loved it and could not wait to wrap up in it.  

I hope everyone out there had a wonderful Christmas. 
 I was hoping to bring in the new year a bit differently.
  Instead of my grand plans, I was, and still am, sick.  UGH.  
I hope this is not a foreshadowing of the year to come..
  I plan to share some New Year goals soon too.  
How was your holiday?



  1. Tardis quilt looks great, hat totally finishes the look :) Happy New Year!

  2. OOoo-I'm inspired by the 3rd trivet-I even have the scraps-Go Ducks! The tardis quilt is excellent. Had to show it to my resident Whovian. We've got a little bug floating around our house as well. Let's rest :)

  3. Oh no you are sick also? LOL Roberta go ducks! I am a duck fan too. The ex and I had quite the rivalry he was a U of M fan. Your son looks thrilled with his quilt, and love your kit kat clock! Tell me if you love the block loc rulers. I have hears lots of good things about them, and get to feeling better.

  4. Anonymous5:54 PM

    That Tardis quilt is so fantastic. My friend Gretchen uses the Bloc-Loc and loves them. If you do a lot of HSTs, they'll come in super handy.

  5. Love the Tardis quilt! I think my son's head may explode if I get round to making a Dr Who quilt for him!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~