
Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Fourth of July Weekend

Our Fourth of July was pretty quiet and calm. 
 On Friday we celebrated with our friend Roy, his 95th birthday!  Quite an accomplishment.

On Saturday, we were invited to Austin lake to visit with my husband's family.  
His brother and his wife and their kids, live there and we usually get together over the holiday.  
This year, Andy, my husband's brother, called him and asked him if he would like to fly from Jackson to Kalamazoo with him in the airplane he had built. 
 My husband is a pilot and jumped at the chance to not only fly but fly with his little brother. 
 My husband is the oldest of the 7 kids and Andy is the youngest.  

This is the little plane that Andy built.

His sister Julie rode with us and she took a turn sitting in the cock pit, Hi Julie!

Here is my hubby in the white shirt and his brother in the pilot seat.

Here they are taking off!  I drove with Julie and my son the rest of the way to Kalamazoo.

 We made it to Austin lake and several of the brothers and sisters were there.  
We were missing 2 families.

We had such a lovely time!  My son set off some fireworks but Mother Nature had plans of her own!

I hope that if you are an American you celebrated our Independence day. 
 Freedom is especially dear, knowing so many gave their lives for us to have the freedoms we enjoy.

God Bless America!



  1. Love the plane! Can't beat those #PureMichigan lake sunsets.

  2. Wow to build a plane that is awesome. Gorgeous sunset and how cool to have family to spend the holiday.


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