
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Mark and Karly Get Married

My nephew Mark married his best friend, Karly this past Saturday.  
He is our Godson and the date was our anniversary. 
 We have been married for 33 years now. 
 It was a beautiful sunny day and everything was perfect.  
The wedding was at the MSU alumni chapel with the reception 
in the banquet facility at Spartan Stadium.  
I will show you some pictures but this one is my favorite. 
 I didn't take it but it is fabulous!

She looked like a real live princess and he was so handsome.  
It made my heart really happy.  
This is the couple that had all of their bridal shower gifts stolen.  
They persevered and today could not have been better.

The wedding ceremony was beautiful.  
There was a priest and a minister that was Mark's friend and they both did a great job,

They did it!

After the wedding, while we were waiting around for them to take pictures, 
I managed to get a few of my own family.  
My son on the left in the blue and my nephew, James on the right.  
These two sure love hanging out!

My two beautiful daughters

Thadd and Kelsey with Saprty.
I love this photo too!!!

Me and my hubby

Moving on to the reception, this was the view from the banquet facility.  Spartan Stadium!!!

Up for a little football ladies and gents??

A beautiful family photo of my two nephews, their wives and my SIL and BIL.  
The little one is the daughter of the nephew on the far left in this photo.  
Their baby was not there for the picture. 
 Such a happy day for everyone!

 Sparty was all lit up on our way out. 

 Great evening.  

Congratulations, Mark and Karly!

I finally got to gift their quilt too, but more on that later in the week.



  1. Very cool! Happy happy to all.

  2. Beautiful wedding pictures, thanks for sharing. Very nice picture of you and hubby. Happy Anniversary!!!

  3. What a beautiful wedding. Congrats to the newly weds and happy belated 3rd anniversary to you and your hubby.

  4. What a beautiful wedding. Congrats to the newly weds and happy belated 3rd anniversary to you and your hubby.

  5. Gorgeous wedding and adore the pics of football field. It truly looks wonderful. Congratulations on 33 years to you also.

  6. So nice - looks like a beautiful wedding. Congrats!


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