
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

WIPs With Friends

How is it Wednesday already?  
I don't know about you guys but this WIPs with friends keeps me sewing during the week.  
I need something to be able to show here right? 
 I have continued to work on the Hallowedding blocks.  
I have 2 more blocks done!

First up is the potion bottle

Over the weekend I managed to get half of a bat completed.

I finished the bat on Monday.  
This one is 6" x 12".  It is from the Midnight Bite pattern by Lillyella.  
You can find it in her Craftsy shop, or on her blog or ETSY, or her Payhip here.  
This is the small bat. 
 I still need to make the medium and the large ones.  

I did manage to get my Bee blocks completed also.

 Autumn had to test them out and contribute her fur.

She has found a teeny bit of empty space in one of the IKEA cubbies full of fabric and decided that was a fine place to take a cat nap!

The only problem after all that sewing (especially the paper piecing) is that it kills my wrist. 
 I think it is all the trimming. 
 Holding the ruler with my left hand just sends my wrist into so much pain.  Ice seems to help though.

I am linking up with Let's Bee Social over at Sew Fresh Quilts too.
OK so now it is your turn.  Link up what you have been working on so we can all see.


You've heard of Words With Friends?  This is WIPs With Friends.
Add your latest WIP to the link up.
Then visit the person next to you in the link up and leave a comment.
We all love comments!
You will inspire and be inspired and maybe make a new friend.
I can't wait to see what you are up to!


  1. I love those paper-pieced Halloween blocks. So fun! I hope your wrist feels better soon.

  2. Those halloween blocks are on my to-do list, love your fabric choices!

  3. I fell in love with your bat and, of course, your sweet kitty. Ouch for the wrist!!

  4. These blocks are awesome. Autumn just wants to be next to you. Having a friend over tomorrow to see. We both signed up for Meadow Mist Mystery QAL and it starts tomorrow. Put the ice on for ten minutes off for ten and repeat for three times in a day. Son had to do this when he banged up his knee. Hope this helps.

  5. I love the bee blocks. I'm a sucker for bright colors with white.

  6. Your Halloween blocks are so cool. Love how Autumn found a tiny space just for her.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~