
Wednesday, September 07, 2016

WIPs With Friends

How does Wednesday keep sneaking up on me?? 
 I have a few things to link up that I have been working on so will share here.  

In my charity bee this month we are doing 2 different blocks.  
One uses 3.5" squares to make a 4 patch and 
one uses the same 3.5" squares on the corners of a 6.5" center to form a square in a square. 
 She wanted us to use from our scraps so I took that to heart! 
 I dug into my scraps and pulled out every scrap that I could cut 3.5" squares from 
(look at all of those scraps!!!)  
I also cut 1.5" x variable length pieces from the left overs for my other scrap quilt.  

These are the four 4 patch blocks I made

These are my four square in a square blocks.

I then decided that I would cut all my scrap fabric that I had sorted out 
into 3.5" squares to use as a leader ender project.  
Then I would keep that for my own.  
Hubby LOVES scrap quilts. 
 Going through all the scraps made me remember all the quilts that I have made!

Autumn was digging in my scrap bin too. 
 Until she decided it was too much work and she settled in to rest.

Eventually the lure of my water bottle called her name and she decided to lay on my sorted scraps!

This was the pile of usable (I could cut 3.5" squares from) scraps.

After cutting MOST of the day on Friday and into the evening, you can see the pile I was left with.  You can also see the pile of 3.5" squares and
 the smaller 1.5 x various size pieces to the right of the squares. 
 I had a lot of duplicate squares though and was thinking 
if anyone wanted to swap 3.5" squares with me I would be game.  

Autumn and I were exhausted at the end of it all.  I had to ice my hands and she just took a nap!

What are you working on or did you work on over the holiday weekend?

I am linking up with Let's Bee Social.

If you have something to link up please do so (blue button) we can all be inspired!


You've heard of Words With Friends?  This is WIPs With Friends.
Add your latest WIP to the link up.
Then visit the person next to you in the link up and leave a comment.
We all love comments!
You will inspire and be inspired and maybe make a new friend.
I can't wait to see what you are up to!


  1. What a great idea... to make the leaders and enders for a scrappy quilt! You are lucky to have such a good little helper, too!

  2. You were busy and your kitty really was too, providing all of that support. What fun walk down memory lane. Scrappy quilts are da bomb.

  3. You put me to shame! I started going through my mountain of scraps, cut both 3.5" squares and assorted lengths of 1.5" strips, made it through the first handful of scraps, then stopped. I'll try to take some inspiration from you and at least cut up another handful. Like your husband, I love scrap quilts, too! XO


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~