
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Our Finger Lakes Trip Part 1

In case you don't know, the Finger Lakes are in New York.  
This area is extremely beautiful.  
There are lots of waterfalls, vineyards and quilt shops! 
 I can't even believe that my sweet husband planned all of the quilt stops on the way from Mi to NY, around the FL and on the way home. 
 He certainly is a keeper!!

We left Michigan on Monday at around 7am in the morning. 
 I was doing stuff on my phone or sleeping until we got several hours into our drive. 
 I think I started to pay attention when we were near the first quilt shop stop.  
I happened to look up and realized we were in Canefield OH.  
You may wonder why this is significant, right?  
Well, my Cheddar Jack partner lives in Canefield!!  
So I texted her and it was her day off and she was heading to the same quilt shop we were going to.  How great is that??  So we got to meet IRL.
  I took some photos but she did not want me to post them, so I will respect that. 
 The quilt shop was called Village Quilts.

The next stop was the cute little town of Emlenton, PA.

We stopped at Amazing Stitches.  
Very nice shop.  
I tried to find something to buy in each shop we stopped at.  
Some were easier than others but every single shop had a wonderful owner! 
 I did find some great things here. 
 I bought some Lil Red and some adorable Narwhal fabric here.

I didn't always remember to take both outside and inside shots but in this case I did

Next stop was Oil City.  Unfortunately the shop in this city was closed on Monday, major bummer.

Seems like we saw a ton of pumpkins for sale at roadside stands!

On to Ellicottville and their quilt shop.  
The town really reminded us of Aspen. 
 Quite an upscale downtown with many cute shops.  
This quilt shop was very small and did not have a very modern selection of fabric but
 the owner was very sweet and let us park in her lot.  
I did buy some Steam-A-Seam light here and some thread.

There is a fabulous outdoorsman type shop (sorry I don't remember the name) and this is said sweet hubby trying on a hat we were thinking of buying for our daughter (the fish biologist). 
 He loves to shop for supplies for her!  
Kindred spirits you know, LOL.

There was a local brewery and it was wonderful! 
 If you are ever in town you totally need to check it out.  
The food was excellent too.

These two beers were different but looked very similar.  YUM.

There was a lot of nice color traveling on our way.  I would say about 50% of the trees had turned.

Our next stop was Arcade NY where we found this adorable bridge.

Oh and what do you know?  Also this quilt shop, Creekside Fabrics.  
They had a lot of nice fabrics and even some of the more modern ones.  
I got some great Hallowedding fabrics here.

The inside was even better than the outside!  Very nice shop.  

This was looking at the bridge from another angle.  So pretty!

 Now this stop was totally one hubby wanted to stop at, Naples NY,  home of  Sutton Spoons.  
What are those you say? (yah, me too).  
Fishing spoons.
They don't have a website but you can find the story of the spoons here.
Hubby had to choose his spoons one at a time while the woman went to the back room.
She would only do one at a time!

See those silver "lures"?  
Those are called spoons (who knew?
 Well this older man makes them and apparently they are super rare.  
You can only buy them in this shop or over the phone, but they limit over the phone orders as people have been buying a lot and reselling them for 5 times the price on eBay.
  So if you call, you had better know what you want and they will only send you 2 
(or something like that, I have to confess I stopped listening at some point, please don't tell on me).  
They are really shiny and pretty and some have a sort of hexie type pattern pounded into them.  

Bonus that there was a quilt shop, Carriage House Quilts, in the same town just down the street.  
Unfortunately, the selection was sparse, but once again the ladies were very nice.

There was this little gem in the shop and
 if IT had been for sale it probably would have come home with me!

 There was an antique shop next to this and we bought a couple of Pyrex pieces.  
A Cinderella bowl and a pink casserole with lid. 
 Great finds!  
I bought a wee glass blue bird and hubby got a few more mason jars 
(he is seriously addicted)

Just a bit back from where we were was the Red Cat Cellars.  
Now those of you that know me know that my best friend, Jack, the orange tabby, 
passed away three years ago.  
I have a very large soft spot for red/orange cats so  "TO THE WINERY"! 
 We bought a case of wine and I got 2 bottles with the Red Cat on them. 
 I really wanted the Red Cat wine bottles as they had a Halloween cat on them,
 but that wine was WAY too sweet for me!

 This is getting really long so I am going to stop right here.  
I will continue the trip tomorrow.  
Next up is the arrival at the inn we were staying at and Watkin's Glen so stay turned.



  1. Love to hear about your journey!!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful trip with more to share. Thanks!! My cousin's daughter is a fish biologist in Lunenberg, Nova Scotia.

  3. Ahh, the Finger Lakes! I drove through them one time and was so taken with the beauty, I declared I'd go back and explore......but never did. Your pictures are lovely! Think I need to put a trip through there back on my list! XO

  4. Thanks for sharing your trip. The scenery is gorgeous! I live near Houston TX where everything is flat (except for the freeway overpasses). And we don't have seasons -- no fall color -- just summer and more summer. I need a trip to the north country!

  5. Great pictures I can travel vicariously through you!


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