
Wednesday, November 09, 2016

WIPs With Friends

I am back with my regularly scheduled posts now that the wedding is over. 
 I, in all honesty, have not really had a lot of time to do very much. 
Actually that's not accurate.
I have not felt like doing much since the wedding.
Post wedding let down, I think.

 I did put all the Hallowedding blocks up on my design wall but not in the order they will go in.  THAT is my big WIP for the moment. 
 I managed to purchase some freezer paper yesterday so I am hoping to be able to sew a few more of the Buggy Barn Basket blocks but that will be after today.  
This is what I have so far.

Sorry for the crappy photo but it was night and it is difficult to take a photo in my hallway!  
I can tell that I need more dark blocks .  
That was one good thing about putting all the blocks up on the wall.
Linking up with Sew Fresh Quilts

I did print out the next few blocks so that's also a start right?


Now it's your turn to link up your finishes here. 
 Remember that if you do post in the link up here
 you should post a link back to this post on your own blog too.

So now it's your turn to share what you are working on.  
Please use the linky to link up and share that you linked up to WIPs With Friends on your blog too.  If using Instagram please use the hashtag
We can't wait to see what you are working on!
Use the blue Inllinkz button to link up and spread the word by linking back to this post!


  1. The wedding quilt is getting closer to the finish line.

  2. It's looking awesome! They will be thrilled! XO

  3. The Hallowedding quilt is looking good! It's great to see all the blocks together, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you're adding next!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~