
Friday, March 17, 2017

Ocean Waves QAL Check In

I know you think I have not had time to work on this but I have!  
Last night I made one more block. 
 I have a total of 10 blocks finished.  
Only 26 more to go!  
Here is my latest block.

I am finding that each block (after the HST are sewn and trimmed) takes me about 2 hours to make.

I have one more set of HST all sewn and trimmed and ready to put together.

I have to take a break after that to work on the fishy baby quilt.  
I also have another chenille baby blanket to make for a baby shower.
THEN I can get back to the Ocean Waves blocks.
I am finding that I am really enjoying the process and working on my precision.

Hallie has become my new sewing buddy.  She is overweight and uses my chair as a step to get up to the table.  She does not like to lay down so I have to coax her, but once there she is fine.

I bought a new mouse to use with my lap top.  I thought it was funny to see her with her head on it.

How are you progressing on your OW blocks?  
I would love for you to link up here and show everyone your progress.  
Use the blue Inlinkz button to link up
If you are using IG then use the #oceanwavesQAL

Happy Sewing!



  1. Ten Blocks! Good for you! I have six done. I started strong but have gotten side tracked. I intend to sew THOSE blocks this weekend. Thanks for the encouragement and support!

  2. Congratulations.Your block is gorgeous!

  3. Not much progress as of late. Maybe soon. Love your blocks though.

  4. Progress is slow for me on OW- I keep having to stop to do other projects. Not all are that much fun though. Plugging along life's path.


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