
Monday, April 24, 2017

EQ7 Class

I was away from Thursday through Saturday taking an Electric Quilt class with Mary Ellen Kranz.  
It was held in Perrysburg Ohio which is only about an hour away from where I live. 
 I decided that I would drive back and forth. 
 I am so happy I took this class!!!  I learned so much and made new friends to boot!!  

It was a beginner, get comfortable with the program class. 
 I am excited to be able to go into EQ and play now.  
I am no longer afraid of the program.  
Computer programs can be intimidating and I was just bumbling along. 
 Between the fantastic course I took online at Craft U and this one I feel much more confident.

Here are a few of the things I took a quick photo of that I designed.

I think I would totally make this feathered star one!

Can you just imagine this with a Mid Century Modern black cat on the right side??  Me too!!!

There were two local quilt shops that stayed open later and this one was the Quilt Foundry. 
CUTE shop.  
I bought some binding fabric here for the Birdie Stitches quilt.

The other shop I visited was Son Flower in Sylvania, OH.  
I snagged a couple of great patterns here.
I LOVE Claire Turpin designs!!

Halloween kitties?  Yes please!!

Married to a pilot means finding all the airplane quilt patterns!

I managed to squeek in some laundry and a few errands but I am so tired now!!  
How was your weekend??



  1. How fun to take a class. I will have to look up the one on Craft U. I think it may be easier than trying to fumble through at times and getting frustrated.

  2. well, it looks like YOU had a fun weekend!!! are you ready to trade in your graph paper and pencils?!?


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