
Friday, May 05, 2017

Quiltmaker 100 Blocks Blog Tour Stop And A Giveaway!

It's finally MY turn on the blog tour!!! 
You can join in on the blog tour fun right here.
Quiltmaker is having loads of giveaways and there are many stops on the tour.

 I was so thrilled when my block, 
"Flutters of the Heart"
was selected for this edition of the magazine.  

A little history.  
I was participating in a sampler group (I think many of us have done) 
and there was a bird block that had sea gulls.  
While I liked the block and I like sea gulls it didn't really fit in with the fabric or 
the feel of the sampler as I had been making it. 
 I had to come up with another block to make that would fit better. 
 I started to look at vintage embroidery patterns and 
for some reason I was really drawn to the sweet little bluebirds.  
I drew a blue bird for my block and then those darned birds got into my head!  
I could NOT stop thinking about them.  
This was my original block. 
 Aren't they so cute?  
You can see that I used my "scribble" stitching around the outside of them. 

But I thought they needed more. 
 Like maybe to be carrying ribbons?  
I drafted a few versions but ended up with the one I submitted to the magazine. 
 I love this block. 
 It would also be great enlarged as a center medallion style quilt.  
I would love to make one that way too 
(just finding the time!)

Here is my block and some close ups of the individual birdies.

I love how the ribbons enhance the birds.

As you can see I opted for doing a blanket stitch around the birds for this block.  
You could scribble stitch around it too if you prefer.  
That would probably be easier for the ribbons too.  

If you make my block I would love to see your version!

I have 4 copies of the magazine to give away too!!! 
 If you are interested in winning a copy please leave me a comment 
letting me know your favorite vacation spot.  
Of course I would love it if you would follow my blog too.  
My hubby and I are getting a fifth wheel and looking for places to visit! 

Please make sure I can contact you. 
 If you are unsure if your email address is attached to your comment please leave it in your comment.  I will have to move on to the next person if you do not have a way for me to contact you.  
I will draw the winners on Monday so you have lots of time to comment!

Enjoy the blog tour!



  1. I love birds so this is a wonderful block. Honestly anywhere with a beach is great but I do love going to Tuscon and seeing the Humming Birds. Jmikebalou (at) aol (dot) com

  2. I don't get to vacation, but anyplace I can fish is where I like to go. I guess that is why I live by the Tennessee River. You can reach me at

  3. I already follow you on bloglovin.i live in Florida and we are always finding new places to visit here

  4. I love blocks with birds! My favorite vacation spot is a beach, any beach, anywhere, anytime.

  5. Love your birds! My favorite vacation spot is Acadia National Park in Maine--Mountains, Ocean, Lakes, hiking and biking--what's not to love??

  6. What a sweet block! I love birds and applique. My favorite vacation spot is time spent at a lake. Thanks for the chance to win.

  7. I love to take a weekend RV camping trip so we can take the motorcycle out for a drive on the country roads.

  8. I love to vacation in the mountains. But most of our vacations have been at various locations near a quilt show.

  9. We love travelling in Texas, so many different places, great food, history. Grandson lives in Arizona, so that's also a favorite place. Thanks for letting us in on your design elements.

  10. We just got home last night from Charleston, SC. That was an interesting place to visit. City and beaches near by

  11. We visited Yellowstone last year, which was amazing. But our favorite "get away from it all" spot is Shipshewana, IN. Quiet and relaxing (and several wonderful quilt shops!)

  12. I live in Key Largo, Fl which is a beautiful place to visit, but for me vacations mean going to see family.

  13. Our family took a trip to the Black Hills in South Dakota. Such beautiful scenery!

  14. We have a motorhome and we love camping. Try the State parks, you usually get lots of room at your campsite and they are kept nice and clean. Thank you,

  15. OMG your block is just so darn cute. I just love admiring your block so much. I wish that I could machine applique and embroider but my talents lie elsewhere. Thank you for taking the time out of your life to be a part of QM's 100 Blocks Blog Tour and giving me this chance to try a copy of this awesome magazine. I also printed out a copy of your Cheddar Jack Block pattern. I love cats and this pattern I know I can make. Glad I found this cat pattern.

    Sandi Timmons

  16. Enjoy the fifth wheel. I don't have a particular spot. I just enjoy seeing new places.

  17. I absolutely love your block. It is just so adorable. Thank you for sharing and for the giveaway.
    I don't get to go on vacations any more because of my husbands' health. I do love the mountains though so I would head there if I could.

  18. We love camping and like to go to at least one different National Park or State Park each year. But we always take one trip with the kids & grandkids to Assateague National Park in MD. There is a state and federal side. The federal side has ocean and bay side. Not likely to get a spot this year but start now for next year. You'll love it!

  19. I love those cute little birds! That block would make a cute pillow. Congrats on your block making it into the 100 blocks mag! I love the Oregon coast. Have been there many times over the years. For a land locked Pisces it's an awesome place to visit! I would love to hear what you think about your fifth wheel as you use it. We are thinking of upgrading from our travel trailer but a bigger unit also means a bigger rig to pull it. Still just in the "thinking about it" stage. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine. Love them!

  20. cute cute block...anywhere along e Bruce Trail in Ontario Canada is my favourite vacation spot Claire

  21. congratulations. your block is so pretty and happy. It reminds me of a similar pattern that was my grandmas apron. Good memories. It is funny when we get an idea in our heads and cant get rid of it. Now I just write it all down and play with it. So fun.

  22. Sweet block! My favorite place to vacation is anywhere warmer than Northern Minnesota!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. My vacations have turned into primarily trips to visit my grandkids, so Las Vegas it is! Love your sweet block!

  25. As I write this, we are in sitting in our motorhome at Bryce Canyon. We are retired and travel frequently, so my favorite place to vacation is anywhere I wake up while traveling.

  26. My favorite vacation spot is Indian Rocks Beach FL. You have a very cute Bluebird

  27. camping at Garner State Park is my favorite vacation spot. :-)

  28. I enjoy San Diego as it has the ocean, the zoo, Old Town, and my niece lives there. rozz01 at cox dot net

  29. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Your beautiful block reminds me of Cinderella and how the animals came together to outfit her for the ball. My favorite vacation spot is Cape May NJ.

    Pat K

  30. Have you been to the Grand Canyon?

  31. My daughter and son-in-law now live in the Seattle-Tacoma area. My husband and I visited there last spring and had a lot of fun. We hope to go back again this year and see more!

  32. Colorado has some great vacation spots (Garden of the Gods, Royal Gorge,Golden, CO.) but the South (Paducah, Kentucky, Nashville, Tennessee) are geat also.

  33. Love your block ❤️❤️ Living in northern Alberta hubby and I try to get away to the Caribbean to thaw around Xmas. If that's not doable, in the fifth wheel, I would suggest the east coast of Canada. Friendly people, great seafood and beautiful scenery.

  34. Beautiful block. We enjoy the mountains of western North Carolina - lots to do & see. Thanks.

  35. I love the ocean. We camped by the ocean every year (maybe because we lived in a very hot climate). I love to walk the beach, pick up shells and driftwood and smell that ocean air.

  36. Your cat is so different and cute. Want a neat quilt place to visit then go to Quilt town in Missouri-- Mo Star. Missouri also is having their third see the sites and visit quilt shops along the way. Now until Fall with free block patterns. I plan to do some. Mo is home for me but I live in Ga. now.

  37. My favorite vacation was when our family went to Sint Maarten. But a more visited spot is to visit family in Maine.

  38. we don't get to vacation too much,, a day here, a day there. but I love the ocean,, I would love to take a camper and be on the beach,, right smack dab on the beach so when I open the front door, there I am.
    Maybe one of the bluebirds will come find me there!

  39. Favorite vacation spot, Prince of Wales Island, in southeast Alaska. What a cute block!

  40. My favorite place to visit is always the Oregon coast.

  41. Vacation? What is the "V" word you speak of? LOL, haven't been on vacation in over 8 years - I'm a caregiver to my mother. IF I could - New Orleans is my favorite city...and then I think of Hamilton Mo, and Paducah KY!!!!

  42. Love the birds - so cute! My fav vacation spot is Vegas!!! yup my sister and I have decided that's where we like to go!!!! mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com

  43. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I like to travel and to go to quilt every year I choose a big quilt show and also visit the

  44. love that birdie. bewtjwatgmaildotcom

  45. I love birds, and your ribbon addition is darling! My favorite vacation spot is my home-an hour away from beaches and New Orleans-no place better-stop by and see me if you're ever out this way! Thank you, Susan

  46. We spend summer vacations at our cottage on the shores of Lake Erie. 1/2 way between Erie and Buffalo. I wish I had bluebirds at my birdfeeder.

  47. Oh gosh ! I love your birds and ribbons ! We enjoy "staycations" at home. My email is

  48. Anyplace with a beach with sand. Fortunately I have several close to home.

  49. Any where I can go is a great vacation location. I love to travel so hard to pick a single place.

  50. Great block Pam!
    We love to visit Ireland - in fact we're off there next week!

  51. Your block is really cute, love it!! We have a cottage and it is our favorite place to go. Thanks for sharing!! Diane

  52. We've had great vacations in Hawaii and in Scotland & Ireland, but I wouldn't recommend driving to those places! The National Parks in Southern Utah are fantastic -- Bryce, Zion, Arches -- and the scenery of the surrounding area is just gorgeous.

  53. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net3:33 PM

    darling block -- congratulations in making it into this magazine

  54. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net3:34 PM

    I am a new follower

  55. If you are ever in the UK be sure to visit Cornwall

  56. Welcome to the world of RVing! Door County in Wisconsin is a great place to visit, there is even a quilt shop in Sturgeon Bay.

  57. I like the National Parks in the U.S.A. they are so great The Grand Canyons are really great

  58. Bonnie4:18 PM

    Asheville, NC is a great vacation spot. bhometchko(at)hotmail(dot)com

  59. Beautiful block.I love to vacaction in mountains and one is Pirineos in Spain

  60. Our favorite is Cabo San Lucas in Mexico. I always refuse to leave until my husband agrees to book tickets for the next year.
    allisonpogany at

  61. we like to take our 5th wheel to the casino.

  62. Mt. Rainer is one of my fav vacation spots.

  63. The Great Smokey Mountains is my favorite vacation spot. Pretty block!

  64. One of my favorite vacations started in Seattle, then went down the coast into Oregon, then over to Sisters to the annual outdoor quilt show. We then drove back up to Seattle to fly back home. Lots of beautiful scenery and fun things to do.

  65. Although I have not been there in quite a while I enjoyed the Smokey Mountains when I visited. Beautiful!!!

  66. Cute birds! My favorite vacation spot is in the Big Bend of Texas: desert, mountains, forest, and river. Springtime is best with all the wildflowers, but I love the fall, too, and winter's not so terrible (very dry dry, so snow is mostly powder).

  67. My favorite vacation spot is wherever my friends and family are!!

  68. beth daniels6:12 PM

    my favorite vacation spot is one we went on our honeymoon - Bermuda. We would love to go back there.

  69. bethdaniels@cox.net6:20 PM

    my favorite spot for vacation is where I went on my honeymoon - Bermuda

  70. I enjoy the mountains and a beach. Spending time with my grown children and grandchild while on holidays is the best.
    Blue birds are just the happiest of birds, thanks for your block.

  71. I love the beach. But I loved seeing the Grand Canyon too. You have lots of options to explore with your new 5th wheel. Enjoy.

  72. My favorite vacation spot is New York City. An incredible amount to see and do. So vibrant, and so much history. The same can be said of Washington, DC, with the added benefit that so many of the sights there are free!

  73. I have many fond memories of spending time in Rehoboth Beach with my husband and children.

  74. Come to Maine! It is a gorgeous state and there are lots of great campgrounds right at the ocean's edge as well as in the mountains and on the lakes. Love your sweet block!

  75. I would love to spend some time around any lake that has loons. I love their call.

  76. I don't have a favorite vacation spot but do love to travel. Going through the mountains in CO is beautiful! TN and SD are also beautiful states.

  77. I usually go back to see family in Iowa for vacation. The Amanda Colonies would be a great place for you to visit.

    I can see why your block was published. Sew cute. And I am a follower.

  78. My favorite vacation spots are where my children and a few of my siblings live--all somewhat different: Tucson, Western LA, Burien (near Sea-Tac), and Fayetteville, Georgia.

  79. I love the quaint Tybee Island, Ga but there are some amazing places all over where you can explore with a 5th wheel!!

  80. I love the quaint Tybee Island, Ga but there are some amazing places all over where you can explore with a 5th wheel!!

  81. Wow Pam, what an exciting prospect! I love the water so any place I can lounge and view the water is my favorite. I've seen some lovely spots on the east coast that you have blogged about. How about trying the northwestern coast? WA, Or, CA all have breathtaking lovelies. Bobbie in Santee.

  82. The Berkshires of western Massachusetts are just spectacular any time if the year.

  83. I love to vacation anywhere on the Oregon coast - it is just beautiful.

  84. The entire northern half of Michigan is full of wonderful vacation spots! A tour of the Upper Peninsula covers beautiful waterfalls large and small, a huge national wildlife refuge, and of course, Lake Superior! Love it!

  85. Cape San Blas in Florida

  86. You can't go wrong touring Oregon in a 5th wheel and not just the Coast. Eastern OR has fabulous scenery. pjrquilter(at)msn(dot)com

  87. I could say Tahiti, or someplace exotic, but my favorite place is wherever my Grandchildren are. Love spending time with them, and want to spend all the time I can with them before they get too old to want to be with Grandma.

  88. Paducah is my favorite vacation spot. If it has to do with quilting, count me in.

  89. of course I want to win your book!! Love the little "bluebirds of happiness"!
    Favorite vacation spot??? Anywhere there is water...ocean beaches are best but lakes are great too!! So.... Malagash, Nova Scotia,Canada , Finger Lakes, NY, St. Joseph/Benton Harbor, Michigan , Sanibel Island, FL. St Helier, Jersey Island, UK ... I could go on and on!! I think I am already a follower.

  90. I love going camping on the shores of Lake superior. .

  91. Anonymous11:59 PM

    The Oregon Coast is a great place to visit! The beaches are awesome!

  92. What an adorable block! We love to vacation anywhere we can get away for a bit, but hubby loves the ocean so we try to get there at least once a year!

  93. Great Smoky Mountains

  94. I love the Colorado Mountains and they're not far from Kansas!

  95. What a cute bird pattern. Love the blue fabric you chose as well. My favorite place to vacation is on the islands along the east coast of Vancouver Island.

  96. The Oregon coast is a beautiful place for a road trip

  97. Your block is so sweet and different from any other applique I have seen in the 100 Block magazines before. We spend our winters in Palm Coast, FL. There are 2 RV parks right on the ocean. You would love it.

  98. Such a cute block!

    I love Colorado! It's such an historic and beautiful state!

  99. Congrats on your block. Reminds me of cinderella, when the birds put ribbons on her dress :) For vacation we head to the mountains. Northern PA or South Carolina :) (don't like the sun and beach much...shhhhh...don't tell anyone!)

  100. Pretty cute and pretty clever! Congratulations on being included in the magazine! Cape Breton is always a lovely vacation destination! XO

  101. Your block is very sweet! I love to vacation in northern michigan! Thank you!

  102. I love your cute little birds.

  103. I love the mountains of Colorado, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Nevada and California (as well as the beach of Hawaii, but a 5th wheel would be hard to get there)! Marble and Glenwood Springs, Colorado, Glacier National Park, Montana, Lamoille Canyon in the Ruby Mountains of Nevada, and Markleeville, California are favorites of mine.

  104. Hello, my favorite place is Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The ocean, dunes, historic sites, art galleries, so many discoveries to make, keep me coming back year after year. And of course, quilty shops..... I would highly recommend a stop there!

  105. Birds are special. Just saw a new broken gorgeous robbin blue egg as I took my walk today.

  106. My favorite place is a nearby lake where we dock our houseboat.

  107. Wonderful I'd love to make! We love to vacation in Sedona, Arizona. It's beautiful and lots of things to do.

  108. I am picturing your block as a center medallion on a wall hanging to be used as a wedding gift. Thank you!! As for my favorite vacation location, Williamsburg VA is tops on our list. We love it so much that we have been going there yearly for 17 years now.

  109. I've only been to the coast of Maine once on a New England cruise, but I definitely want to go back again. My favorite stop was Bar Harbor.

  110. I love your little birds. It is a sweet and tender block. By the way, I took my daughters and granddaughters on a three week trip down the coast of Oregon last summer. We had two vehicles and my toy hauler trailer. We hauled a canoe, three kayaks, and seven bicycles. We camped at state parks all along the coast and had a wonderful time. We could have stayed all summer. Have fun with the new trailer!

  111. Ilike to visit the coast on vacation, especially in the northwest or northeast.

  112. Oh my goodness, I love the cat block at the top of your blog!! Love the bird block also! Very cute! angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom

  113. Your blue birds look great with the ribbons. Vacation spots - Colorado is full of them, but I enjoy the drive thru Rocky Mt Natl Park, Kathy in colo repzjratplainsdotnet

  114. I love road trips!! Anywhere! Our favorite places to camp are Yellowstone, and Arches National Park.

  115. My favorite vacation spot is Yellowstone National Park.It is so exciting to be there with the geysers and boiling pools of exotic colors. It is like another world!

  116. Your birds are adorable.
    I don't really have a vacation budget, right now, but my boss loves the outer banks in NC and my MIL likes to go to Cape May.

  117. Cle Elum, WA is a beautiful area to visit. We stay a night there every year on our way to Spokane to visit our family.

  118. My favorite vacation spot is my bed but I've always wanted to visit the state park in Arkansas that has a diamond mine you can dig in.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~