
Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday is Finish Day

I realize that I have not shown any of my recent finishes.  
I was hoping to do a link up with another blogger but she takes August off, so I will just start posting my finished on Fridays (when I have them). 
 I can create a link if anyone is interested in sharing their weekly finishes too. 
 Please let me know if any of you would like that.

Additionally, I have added a link in my header to all the finished projects 
(as a page) if you are interested.

Our priest is being transferred out to Arizona to a parish there.  
I am sad to see him go.  He was the first priest at our now church, for me.  
I have learned a lot from him and wanted to make something for him to remember us by, 
so of course I made him a quilt.  
Crosses seem to be the theme for me when making a quilt for any clergy and this was no exception.

It just so happened that we  made a great block in my Emerge do good stitches circle and 
so I used that exact same pattern to make my quilt.

Apparently Finny decided that he wanted to "help" me finish this project! 
 I hope Father is not allergic!

I hand stitched the label and added it after the quilt was finished.  
I really dislike doing that but it means I can get it to the quilter more quickly.  I
 also, did not want to cut up the 108" wide Tula backing fabric (I know, I was being lazy). 
 Finn is my label model too.
He seems to be born to this!

I happened upon that fabric for binding at the retreat I went to in July so that was great. 
 It looks perfect with both the back and the front of my quilt!

I love how this quilt turned out.  Kathy, of Threadbear Quilting did a wonderful job.  
The quilting is swirls with a cross in the center!  

This is what the front turned out like.  
The last few quilts have seriously depleted my low volume stash, LOL. 
 It is difficult to tell but one of the crosses, rather than being gray/black is navy. 
 Not sure why I ended up doing that but I love how it looks!

I hope you will share some finishes here with me too.  
I will leave the linky open until noon tomorrow, jic anyone wants to share!  
I would appreciate a link back too.

Enjoy your weekend!



  1. Lovely quilt, and cute finish. Love your quilt model.

  2. Finn should be paid highly for posing❤️❤️❤️. Your quilt is perfect.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~