
Sunday, March 04, 2018


Our cat, Finny, is totally my husband's cat.  
He follows my hubby around the house all day long. 
 Poor Chris can't do anything (and I mean anything) without his cat shadow. 
This is his favorite position.
He hops un on the chair and walks into this position and plops down.
He usually throws his head back and kisses Chris.
Then he settles down and sleeps.

 So earlier in the week I came home and found a back pack on the floor.  
He said, "Watch this".  
He called Finny and put him in the back pack!  It is a pack made for cats! 
 Finny loved it.  
They had already been on one walk before I got home.

If you click on the photo, you will be able to see Finn in the pack.

Good grief, what's next?  
Poor Cole will feel left out.  
I think I need to get a really long lead for Cole to use and try to teach him how to walk on a lead.



  1. Amazing. I know how Chris feels, Rudy jumps up into my lap, looks up at me with love in his eyes. Thank you for saving me he tells me. Melts my heart.

  2. Sweet Finny, I think Cole may be able to be taught to walk on a lead. A friend of mine was telling me that when her husband walks out their dog he meets a man who walks his cat on a lead!
    Myrto in Athens, Greece

  3. This is so cool! Cats are special friends for sure.

  4. That is so sweet!!! He is a beautiful cat - as is Cole.

  5. Well now, everybody's happy except for Cole. I love the backpack idea!

  6. Enjoy your quilting & kitty posts. Hope he enjoys the backpack. Can I ask where you got it? We have two kittens that I hope would do that same.


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