
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

WIPs With Friends

As you could see from previous posts, I have been mostly camping.  
Very little sewing.  I did manage to finish the Mad Scientist test quilt. 
 I just had the test tubes to finish and then assemble them into the other piece and add the bench top.

Here are the test tubes. 
 If you look at the fabrics close up you can see the teal one looks like crystals and 
the purple one is all swirly!

This is how the finished piece turned out.  I am so in love with this!

I thought you might appreciate seeing the back side of this foundation paper pieced project.

I spent some quality time with the cats while camping though.  Cole loves to lay like this.

Finn looked so cute sleeping on the fish quilt I could not resist this photo.

How was your week?  What did you work on this week?
Please link up what you are working on.
I am also linking up with Sew Fresh Quilts.



  1. Wow! what an amazing quilt!! I love paper piecing and it's always fun seeing the backside!

  2. Great project, and since I was a scientist (hmmm...not anymore), I would love to try this pattern!

  3. I love your quilt, fun and beautiful! Cute cats too ;))

  4. Super cute quilt and cats.

  5. Love your science project!!!

  6. What a PERFECT quilt for a science lover! This turned out great!

  7. Love the Chemistry Set! At least you can't blow up anything with that one.

  8. The Mad Scientist quilt turn out great! It looks like it was a little challenging. I love how paper pieced quilts look when finished.
    I'm ready to put borders on an eye spy quilt for my yet to be born great nephew. He should be here any day.
    Glad you've been able to get out camping. We are still waiting for decent weather. We seem to be in these weather pattern of beautiful weekdays and rainy cool weekends. Soon though!

  9. Great quilt project and sweet kitties.

  10. Love that Mad Scientist piece. Is it your own pattern?


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