
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Ocean Themed Traveling Quilt

I bet you are all pretty tired of hearing about this traveling quilt.  
Almost as tired as I am of working on it.  
While I love the quilt I am SO ready to be done.  
I could not really share all the blocks either as I wanted my finish to be a surprise.  
All week I have been hard at work frantically trying to finish up the last of the blocks I needed to do.  Last night I finished the last of them and decided to sew the strip together.  
THEN, I thought, Hey, why not add it to the quilt top and BE FINISHED?! 
 So that's exactly what I did!!!

Here is the ocean themed traveling quilt top with my top and left side additions.  
It has one more person to visit then back to the owner.

 I made stars and surrounded my mermaid with them. (pattern by Quiet Play)

 I made a "Nessie" (Loch Ness monster) pattern by Elizabeth Hartman.  
I added the word Thalassophile, which means sea/ocean lover 
using the letter patterns of From Blank Pages.

 The patterns of sea creatures were from Sarah Elizabeth Sharp.  
They are in her book Adventures in Paper Piecing & Design.  
(a totally awesome book!)

First I made invisible jelly fish.  I enlarged and shrunk the pattern.

 Next up was a sea dragon.

Followed by an octopus.

And another sea dragon.

I did a LOT of improvised water for the quilt to make all my side blocks 12".

I decimated my blue/aqua low volume stash.

I had fun making the stars too.
I took this last night as I made the final 4 stars.

Before I put them into the quilt.

Lastly my friend that was taking photos made me pose for this one.

So here it is without the side 

And completely finished and ready for me to mail!

I am very proud of the additions I did and hope that Jenny loves them as much as I do.
I think it was second only to the Hallowedding quilt for time and effort!

Have a great weekend!



  1. This is AH-MAZING!!!!

  2. What a fabulous quilt make with so much love and creativity.


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