
Friday, April 19, 2019

Stash Additions

I am so sorry but I have been super busy and neglectful of this blog.  
I promised that I would show the things I purchased recently and have not done so.

I have been quickly using up a LOT of my low volume fabrics on this traveling quilt 
so I picked up a few more.

That gold "love" I bought for a friend to use in a quilt she is making for her son.  

I found some of the new Pinkerville line.  
I have an idea for a quilt and needed some of the fabrics to 
see how I think they would work in said quilt.  

 I thought that second one from the left would work in my LV spots but it is too "creamy".  
Oh well I will use it in something else. 
 That woodgrain?  
I have used just about all of it that I have so replenished it.

More fabrics (potentially) for that quilt I was thinking about making.

Have you guys seen the pattern called Showering Stars?

I am thinking that I will use the purple Tula fabric 
with the multi colored birds and dots for the background.

I am still thinking about the other fabrics to use. 
 I was going to use prints but think maybe solids would be even more amazing 
with that print as the background.
I may have to play around with this using a combo of prints and solids.
I am excited to work on it but this one is not moved on the list just yet.

Traveling quilt needs to be finished first, then the things I just decided need to be made for my daughter's bridal shower in June.
Next up after that is her wedding quilt.

Then, *maybe* this one.
I have someone in mind, but won't share who just yet.
She will be TOTALLY shocked, LOL.
Just the way I like it!

How about you?  Do you like to surprise people when you make them a quilt?


  1. Judy in Michigan12:40 PM

    I need to go shopping with you! You find the best quilt fabric. Can't wait to see the wedding quilt ideas popping up. We are still in Florida but our time here is getting short.


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