
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Weekend Getaway

My hubby suggested we take Friday and Saturday last week to get away together.  
He chose Ohio.  About 3 1/2 hours from home. 
 First stop was Ellies in Yellow Springs for breakfast.  
Such good food! 
Chicken and waffles for me?  
YES please.

It was rainy and cold so of course he suggested hiking in Clifton Gorge.  

 As we walked along there were 3 crazy geese that kept following us and yelling the whole time!

 There were several gorgeous waterfalls.

 Here we are trying to do a selfie.  My hair looked like crap but what are you going to do?

This was the largest waterfall.  

The pool that formed at the bottom of this one was pretty impressive.

I called these 2 the sisters.  

I took so many photos but you can see how fast the current is in this one.
I think from all the rain they had.
These geese would swim down stream then back upstream.
They were so vocal, must have had a nest nearby.

Everything was so GREEN!


After the hike we stopped at the Clifton Mill.  I just love how this photo turned out!  
There was a covered bridge there too.

 We continued on to Lebanon, Ohio to the hotel we had booked, the Golden Lamb.  
12 different presidents have stayed there. 
 It used to be a stagecoach stop.  

We stayed in the George W Bush room.  
His mom had stayed there and when she did she requested
 they move the bed currently in that room to that room.  
So both she (while campaigning with her husband) 
and George W (while campaigning) stayed in our room.  
I like to think it is also now the "Lincoln bedroom".  

This was framed in the room.  It included his thank you letter to the hotel.

 Hanging on the stair wall from the first floor to the second floor was this beautiful pineapple quilt.

We went to some antique shops and other small shops, 
walked into the historic district to see the old houses and past the train. 
 I wish we had gone on the dinner train.  
It was only wine and chocolate train this time, which we decided was not the trip for us, 
but maybe another time.

I have more photos from Saturday but this post is pretty photo heavy already 
so I will post the rest tomorrow.



  1. How I envy you two!!

  2. What a great trip! The photo of Clifton Mill looks like a painting.
    I LOVE "Dubya"! How neat you stayed in his room.

  3. Beautiful photos. I think it's wonderful that y'all got away - together! So cool. Enjoy your day! :-) :-)


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