
Saturday, May 04, 2019

A Trip To The Sally Ann (aka Salvation Army)

My daughter has asked us to pick up candle holders as we may find them at the Sally Ann. 
 Well I hit the jackpot recently!  
I sent her photos to make sure they were what she was looking for. 
 I found 13 holders and some even had candles. ). 
0.36 each! 

I thought these were cute but she said no bueno. 

I also found THIS beauty!

It is a Singer 99K from 1955.  
She appears to be in pretty good shape and the cabinet is lovely.
She needs a bobbin cover plate and I need to get some bobbins for her.  

I found an original bobbin cover on eBay last night and will order bobbins for her today.  
I will spend some time this weekend cleaning her up.  
I have another one to clean up too, so will probably work on them both at the same time. 
 The other one is a Dressmaker.

I have had this one for awhile.  
She needs the bobbin shuttle and some bobbins too.  
I think I have a lead on those things so while I am waiting for them all to arrive, 
cleaning and oiling will begin!

Wish me luck.  I am pretty new to this but think that saving vintage machines is important.  
I don't have plans for the Dressmaker.  
Know anyone in need of a machine?

I have a couple of other Singers that need a good home too.  
They both sew well.  
Hoping to get these 2 to that point soon. 
I will keep you posted.

I did finish the dino on Thursday night.  
He is so Stinkin' cute!  
I have the next one to work on this weekend too.

I have three, count them three baby quilts to bind.  
Two are trimmed. 
I hope to get the third trimmed and the bindings sewn on all 3 of them this weekend. 
 Next up will be pillow covers for my daughter's home.

What are you working on this weekend?



  1. We don't have a "Sally Ann" near us, but we have Goodwill, and they never have anything as neat as an old Singer! And I would have bought that cute kitty votive. ;)

  2. Thank you for saving the old girls! Sewing amongst the younger generation is a dying art, I fear. My three 20-something granddaughters show absolutely no interest.

  3. Glad you were able to find the candle holders you wanted at a great price. The dinosaur is cute.

  4. Love your singer find. One good deed turns another.


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