
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Even More From the Wedding

At the risk of some of you NEVER coming back I have a few more photos to share.  I promise back to quilty content soon though as all the things I made that I could not share are also waiting to be written about!

Our son walked me down the aisle and Chris walked Kelsey down the aisle.  I think they both had some trouble tearing up on the walk.

 At the start of the ceremony the sun made us all look so golden.

 I was asked to come up and wrap the handfasting cord around their wrists so that when they slid out their hands and pulled the cords it formed an Infinity know.  I had to practice a lot for this!

 They said their vows with their hands tied.

I went back up to say a blessing and made it almost all the way through before I got choked up.

I now pronounce you husband and wife!!!

 Right after the ceremony.

 Signing the license and toasting the bride and groom.

Next up were all the family photos.  I will only bore you with a few of the many I took.

With my sister and her friend, David.  So proud of these 2 flying all the way from GR alone to NC.  First time she has flown without a caregiver!  They did great the whole time they were there too.

With Chris's parents.

Kelsey with mom and dad

 Selfie time!

All three of my kids

My kids with the bride (their sister)and groom

My whole family.

Jack is the little guy that waved the pennant I made.  He is only 2 and did an amazing job!

Kennedy is also 2 and was the little flower girl.

They were so darned cute!

Max was supposed to be the ring bearer but in the end he was a little too shy to do it.
I think this was the best pic I got of the elusive Max!

Jack's mom captured this image of Jack.
It pretty much summed up how excited he was to be there, LOL.

Bride and groom's first dance.

Toasting using the wedding goblets my parents used at their wedding!!

Daddy daughter dance. 
There was a toast and I have it on video but it was too long to upload, same for the matron of honor.

Managed to get my other daughter and her husband toasting too.

Sister and brother.

Their cake was delicious.
Chocolate and red velvet.  Came from Whole Foods!

Getting ready to cut the cake using the knife and server from Nick's mom and dad's wedding.

Sheet cakes were cut for the guests.

Would You believe I did not get any shots of the tables, food or anyone else dancing?
I was having too much fun on the dance floor with my friends and family!

I know these are not professional shots, but I hope you enjoyed sharing our special day!

The whole week was AMAZING, and 
we are so thankful to have Nick and his family as part of our family.

Sorry in advance if I forgot anything, but I was trying to only post the minimum 
(and there are over 1200 shots between my shots and Julies alone!!!)



  1. Awesome pics. Love the hand fasting and the cord you made from your and your mother's wedding dress? Great family photos too.

  2. Beautiful wedding

  3. More great pictures!

  4. What a beautiful wedding, and a beautiful day for it too.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~