
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Life Events

There are so many BIG life events happening for me right now.
The biggest one (after the grandbaby)is my retirement.  
My last full day of work is this Friday.
My official retirement date is August 7, but I am taking a week of vacation time.

I have so many mixed feelings about retiring.
I have worked at the University of Michigan for over 36 years now.
I love working in science.
I have enjoyed all the different people I have come to know and made lifelong friendships.
These arrived yesterday from my daughter.
Made me cry.

It was particularly special to me that she thinks so highly of me.
I can't really put into words how much knowing this means to me.

 Today I was working at my desk and turned my head and there were three of my co-workers standing to the other side of me with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers!  

 I met my best friend at work.
We used to work across the hall from each other.
She was in a clinical lab and I was in a different research lab.
We lost our funding and I needed a new lab.
Our administrative person found me a position in the lab I am in now.
Then we needed another person to fill a position so I suggested her.
They hired her and the rest, as they say, is history.
For much of my career, people would call us by the others name.
We had a lot of great adventures together in the lab.
Since Covid, we have been on different shifts.
I miss seeing her everyday and spending 8 hours talking off and on.

We spent the day together with our husbands last Friday on their new pontoon boat.
I am looking forward to spending more time together like this (not at work)
She is a few years behind me for retirement but looking down the path!

It is interesting where life takes you.
Having been a Spartan all my life I would never have guessed I would work at the other school.
It has been a great journey and I am looking forward to my new adventures.

Thanks for everything, Michigan!

Peace out!



  1. Congratulations on your retirement. Enjoy every minute.

  2. Ohhh How sweet!! Congrats on such a successful career - and For all the lives you touched - so wonderful!

  3. Congratulations Pam on your retirement. Your daughter is right, a bad ass lady scientist. Not many that started their careers when you did, but I am sure there are many more to follow! Wishing you the best of luck on your next adventure!

  4. Do you mean to tell me you have been doing all the sewing you blog about and working full time as well???????? HOW DID YOU DO THAT! You are amazing.

  5. We have to plan a get together. I have been retired 7’s the best. Congrats to you even if it was at the college of TTUN

  6. Congratulations! You are going to love the next chapter.

  7. 36 years!! You really did love being a scientist. It’s time to sit with your feet up and relax, take it easy and of course quilt. All the best in your retirement.

  8. congratulations on your retirement!! Enjoy it !! Your life is going to be different especially with the grandbaby coming!!

  9. Congrats on your retirement! Can't wait to see where the next adventure starts.


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