
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Oh Baby!

My daughter and son-in-law had some photos taken recently.
I chose just a few of my favorites to share with you.
Baby is due October 8

 The mother godess pose.  I loved it!

I loved the expression on her face in this picture

 This is one of my all time favorites.  The lighting was so cool and her face was priceless.

Photos were taken by Nick's mom, and I think she did a great job.

Can't wait to meet our grandson in October!



  1. Oh, I have goosebumps! Congratulations! Such a handsome couple! Bet they made a beautiful baby!

  2. Beautiful photo's - I'm happy for you all :)

  3. Lovely pictures. Such a priceless, wonderful time. Congratulations.

  4. Such nice pictures. Happy times!!

  5. Nothing is more exciting. I know what I felt like when we got our first grandchild. Enjoy EVERY minute!!

  6. great pictures!! We didn't do them when I was pregnant but boy I wish we had!!


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