
Sunday, October 18, 2020


 Now that I have finished all my animals (oh wait, I haven't shared the procupines have I?) 
 OK, so here are the porcupines.  
The spikes are not how they are supposed to be and where they join up to the head unit isn't perfect
 but DONE is better than perfect, right?

So my porcupines have rogue spikes.  
Real life porcupines aren't perfectly symmetrical are they?

I'm just happy that I can move on getting this put together.
  I did NOT like the directions on cutting the spikes for this little guy. 
 It wasted a LOT of fabric and was not the easiest to follow. 
 I get why they did it the way they did but
 if I were ever to make these again I would do them differently.

Moving on...

I bought a kit from Jedi Craft Girl for Halloween called Spooky. 
 I fell in love with the pattern, probably because of the black cat, LOL.  
The mini top is all finished. 
 I stitched around the cat and the letters using the blanket stitch.

I took a photo of the back so you could see the blanket stitch from behind.

Of COURSE I had my "Spooky" helper.  
Isn't he looking so great?  
He has gained a full kilogram from when we started his treatments!  
That's 2.2 pounds!!! 
 Of course this means his medical costs have also increased, sigh.  
It's always a double edged sword isn't it?  
It's ok though, as long as he is improving I will find a way to continue his treatment!

I am moving through the quilts I brought with me which makes me happy. 
 I finished the Christmas Bear top, this Spooky mini and just need to assemble the Canada quilt.  
I have 2 more with me to work on plus a case for my Oliso mini iron.  
After I assemble the Canada quilt, I will work on the jelly roll Halloween quilt I brought. 
 I have to do some design work for the Canada quilt as
 I want to assemble it a little differently than the original pattern so stay tuned!  
We are home today and will get to see baby Avery again tomorrow so time to work on some quilts!

What are you up to today?



  1. I like all you are working on and the good news about your helper is great! Have fun visiting with Avery tomorrow. What am I doing ??? Knitting a baby blanket for Stella my step-great-grand daughter due in January. Oh my aching hands! I haven't knit anything this big for ages!!

  2. You are being very productive. I really like your Spooky.


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