
Thursday, October 08, 2020

Wonderful Woodland Quilt (aka the Canada Quilt) Progress

A year ago or so I bought the Wonderful Woodland BOM but had not had time to work on it.

I cut it out and have been taking it to me every time I travel.  
I thought that it would be a good one to work on while we wait for baby. 
 The first block is the moose with the Canadian leaves on it.  

Back story, my hubby goes FAR into northern Canada ( about 150 miles N of Soo Sault Marie, MI) to a cabin owned by his uncle. 
 It is very remote.  No electricity, running water or indoor plumbing.  
They have to take everything in and out when they go.
  They load everything into a boat, go across a lake, portage into the next lake and then motor across the lake to the cabin!!  I've gone there one time and that was plenty. 
 It is beautiful but I would rather stay home and sew!

He LOVES it up there so much.  He can fish and fish and fish! 
 So I decided that he needs a quilt for Canada.  
When I saw the Wonderful Woodland BOM I knew this would be the right quilt for him!  
I bought all the fabric and as I said, recently cut it all out.  
Yesterday and today I sewed on the Moose block. 
 I think I un-sewed almost as much as I sewed!  
Of COURSE I chose a directional background, 
so that made things even more challenging when I cut it out.

I got this far yesterday:

Of course I had loads of help <insert eye roll here>

Today I had a lot of sewing time!  I managed to get the whole block finished!!

Of course as soon as I put it on the table for a picture, my helper appeared!
At least you can see how BIG the block is with Finn in the photo.

Cole is doing better, thank you to all who have donated to his go fund me page
 I have his blood work scheduled on the 22 here in Chapel Hill.  
Thankfully I was able to find a vet that would work with us!  
I will likely have to order another  $1000 of medicine before we leave too.  GULP! 
 He takes the shots so well. 
 I am really proud of him (and his human, needle phobic helper).  
Please share the link for his page if you can or donate if you are able and want to.

No baby yet, but we are hopeful he will be here soon!  Stay tuned!



  1. Prayers for baby boy's safe arrival~ love the Moose! Yay for Cole! Everyone looks like they're adapting well to life on the road.

  2. Kitty knows how to hide the moose😊😊😊

  3. That moose block is so cute.

  4. The moose is awesome, love it 😍. I’m very pleased with how Cole is doing. Keep up the good work, Cole.


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