
Friday, October 15, 2021

Avery's First Birthday

 Our little man turned 1 last Saturday.
 I have literally HUNDREDS of photos, LOL, but will post just a very few of my favorites. 
 All of his grandparents were there. 
 His great grandparents from Nick's family were there as well. 
 A few close friends of Kelsey and Nick's were there as well. 
 I'm sure you just want to see photos so here you go.
First up the decorations. 
 Can you see that little rocker? 
 That was Nick's when he was a boy. 
 Avery loves it!

When Avery was eating his cake this was what he was seeing, LOL.  
All of us taking pictures.

Avery with his mom and dad.

Our turn with Avery.

He had his own "smash" cake.

He loved playing with this ribbon.

We forgot to put his crown on pre nap, but got a few pics after his nap.

His mom and dad got this bubble blower and he LOVED it!

Avery always kisses any stuffed animals.
This was the fox we got him.

This is probably my all time favorite photo from the birthday party!  
His little friend Reese got him this tunnel (you can see Reese in the background).  
Avery had a ball with it!

I will show you what I made for him in another post.

Happy birthday little man.

Love Gigi and Papa.



  1. what a great party!! Wonderful pictures thanks for sharing!! The tunnel picture is to "die for"!!

  2. Wonderful pictures and a great party. Love the tunnel ❤️❤️

  3. I still have the little rocking chairs like the one in the background that we received when our twins turned one. We also had one of the those tunnels, they wore that one out with every little child that came to visit. I didn't know they even made those anymore. Great present and great photos!


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