
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Baby Quilt

 I was trying to decide what project to begin and looking at the scraps from the crib sheets. 
 I found I had enough of the giraffe scraps to add a few more fabrics to and
 voila, a baby quilt was born!  
I added 2 more colors, found backing in my stash (a really soft yellow plush), put some batting scraps together and quilted it myself.  
I love using stuff from my stash don't you?
I chose a soft purple and a light gray.
There is a pale purple in the giraffe fabric.

All bordered, quilted, and bound!

This yellow was so lush.
  I had bought it as a remnant. 
 I *just* managed to eek it out of this backing.
I used the same piece for a back on the doll quilt I made.

I used one of my iron on quilt labels.  
It is now ready to gift.

I will be sending this one to a friend of my daughter's that just had a little girl. 
 I will send that crib sheet with it as well as a self binding blanket, some burp cloths and a teether.

Next one to tackle is the Bjorn Bear quilt I cut out before my surgery.



  1. Adorable quilt! Yes I love being able to find what I need from my stash. Kinda justifies filling it up, 😂

  2. The quilt is great... love the little giraffes!! But how are you??!!!


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