
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Summer Haze Quilt

 So Suzy's quilts never got back to me about showing the labeled diagram. 
 If you are interested, please email me and I will send it to you in an email.  
The Indian Summer quilt is now called Summer Haze. 
 I finished the top and I am so in love! 
 These colors are the bomb!
  I actually cut out a second one. 
 I will show you the top and the backing I found in my stash to use.
It's been raining here so tough to get a good photo.

I found this airplane backing that is the exact perfect colors to go with this top!
I also have another one of these backs for the second top.

On another note, do you have a favorite small ruler?
I have this little yellow ruler that I use all the time!
It looks like the add a quarter but it is not.
It was from Brandys but I can't seem to find them anymore.
If anyone happens to have a favorite small ruler I would love to hear about it.

I have been working on pattern testing again for Meags and Me.
I will show what I have done so far soon.

I also saw a pattern by Cake Stand Quilts on IG that I loved.
I offered to pattern test and she took me up on it.
I will share that one shortly too.

Radiation is going well.
I am just a little bit tired but so far that's it.
I have 4 more treatments and can put radiation behind me.

Happy Sewing!


  1. So happy to hear that you are tolerating radiation so well. Only 4 more to go!! Great news!!!

  2. So glad the radiation is going well!!


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