
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The birthday gifts begin!

I thought I had won the lotto yesterday when I got home from work! The first thing I saw was a package in the mail box from Very Mary. But wait...there's more. I came in the house and opened the package and what did I find? There were 8 of these beautiful vintage quilt blocks and a nice note from Mary Ann. These are beautiful MA, THANKS!! I send her vintage papery goodies I find at my dads and she sends me vintage fabricy (new word) things. It's a great trade!

Blocks from Mary Ann
The next box was very exciting for me. My friend, Annemiek, in the Netherlands, told me she had sent me some things in the mail. She couldn't wait so she told me! Laugh!! So I knew something was on the way to me but did not know what it would be. When I opened the box this is the first thing I saw. A wonderful card and it appeared to be a hand quilted Dutch themed quilt.
The Card
Once I opened the quilt up inside were 2 pin cushions (she knows I only have a few and one is in really bad shape). They are both adorable but the cupcake one is so cute. Also some kind of cookie (I think, as I haven't opened it yet) My tummy still has not fully recovered from the weekend and I didn't want to open it and not be able to enjoy it so I am saving it for when I feel better.
THIS was the actual quilt. Her name is Loesje and she is beautiful!! (Just like Annemiek!) If you read her blog at all you would know that she doesn't participate in swaps and only makes quilts for family and dear friends. I feel so honored and blessed by our friendship. I know she may not agree but I feel certain that God has brought us together as friends over the long miles. Even though we have never met we have made a fantastic connection. (Or maybe she is just trying to show me up since her hand quilting is so spectacular!!, LOL)
Annemiek was kind enough to put an amazing label(s) on the back of the wall hanging too telling me all about Loesje and the fabric used to create her. I put it on here so you can have the same kind of education that I did! I think she should have called her "Annemiek" because when I read about her she resembles my friend!
Quilt LabelQuilt Label
Close up of the cupcake. So adorable!
Cup cake pincushion
Close up of Annemiek's hand quilting. Notice the attention to detail? She quilted Tulips into the border!
Hand Quilted
I was extremely touched and honored that Annemiek made such a gift for me for my birthday! For any of you that don't know, I will be turning 50 on July 11th this year. It is nice to know that the birthday celebration is beginning already! LOL.

I just made plane reservations to fly to Sarasota FL to visit my dear friend Mary. She has a condo on the beach and invited me to come and spend my 50th birthday with her. I will be spending a week with her. Just me and Mary, no spouses or kids. It should be a good time! She calls me her nerd friend, which I think is very funny. Once when someone asked her why we hang out since we are so very different she told them, "I think she hangs out with me because she needs some down time!" ROFLOL. I hang out with her because she is a wonderful, fun loving and beautiful person! Another funny Mary story, she was asking when she would be on the list to get a quilt. I told her when she has a baby. (She is a few years younger than me). We laughed and a few weeks later she called me up and said,"I need to tell you something", "What is it?" I say. "I'm pregnant" she says. "Really?" I say. "No NOT really", she says, "I just want a quilt!" LOL So do you all remember the aqua and brown DP 9 patch quilt? Well that is for her and I plan on taking it to FL with me next week. Won't she be surprised??

Anyway, a gigantic THANK YOU to Annemiek for sending such amazing birthday gifts!


  1. Wow what wonderful gifties!! You are one lucky lady. Your "week off" sounds wonderful. Friends who are so different from ourselves balances our lives.


  2. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Oké, i'm really touched by all those nice words! Seriously! i told you: I had as much fun planning, sewing and quilting as you have now, receiving it!
    I hope many more presents and surprises for your upcoming birthday will follow :)
    (so funny, the wordverification for my comment is "thatsme")

  3. You are spoiled, girl! What lovely, lovely gifts. And what a treat, getting to spend your birthday with a good friend, just the two of you!

  4. What a wonderful friend, and such gorgeous gifts. Thanks for the link to Loesje's blog too, beautiful.

  5. What beautiful gifts you received

    Love and hugs Gina xxx


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~