
Wednesday, July 01, 2009

New Blogger

We all remember it, the day we decided to blog. For some of us it was a long time ago and for some of us not so long ago. One of my CL's has decided to join in on the blogging fun and has started her own blog. She doesn't have much up on her blog yet but it would be great if you have a minute if you would just stop over at her blog and say "HI" and welcome her to the wonderful world of blogging. The bonus is that she will then be able to come and visit all of your wonderful blogs too!! Her name is Sharon and her blog is Shortyz Quilts.

I am hoping that the next installment of My Neighborhood will be up after the holiday weekend. Mary is going out of town and is going to try to do it after she gets back, Thanks Mary!!

I worked on binding the Aqua and Brown quilt last night and my left shoulder is just killing me. Do any of you get that? If so do you have any suggestions to make the pain STOP!!??


  1. I can't offer any suggestions on the shoulder pain, I guess we should avoid acetaminophen, though! Thanks for the introduction to Shortyz.

  2. suggestion from a type zzzz to a TYPE A ... sloooow dooooown!

  3. Thanks for the intro to Sharon's blog! I really need to start on my neighborhood - I need to get organized so I can keep track of all my projects! No advice on the shoulder pain other than take lots of breaks and stretch. I have to do my neck exercises frequently while sewing down binding.

  4. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I have a right shoulder like that....for the last 23 years. Been operated twice, had fysiotherapy for ages and nothing really helps except: don't use the left arm at all :) and stop sewing. For me that's no option so I accepted a "broken" arm en sew sometimes with a painkiller.
    So really: take more rest, do less, slow down. You're only 49 and the arm will have to serve you for decades to come!

  5. I'll be back to visit Sharon's blog, I hope she loves the blogging thing and gets as addicted to it as the rest of us. I have no cure for the shoulder pain, but I know mine hurts if I keep my shoulders up around my ears while sewing. Make sure you drop them and sit straight.


  6. Oh, boy do I feel your pain. Don't have a magic pill though. Hate to tell you this but those repetitive motions just keep getting worse.


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