
Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy 50th Birthday to me!

The morning of my 50th was hot and sunny. I especially loved the sunny part = )
We went to the pool (of course). Isn't it beautiful?

pool 01
Mary and I were trying to decide where to go for dinner and we chose Barnacle Bills. I thought I would share the meal with you. The meal began with Caesar salad and a glass of wine. YUM!
birthday dinner 01
Now that being said, do any of you watch Deadliest Catch? I watch it faithfully every week. So once we got to the restaraunt here is what the menu had to say. The crab came from Dutch Harbor (the Deadliest Catch place) HOW COOL!! You can see the crab legs and they were HUGE. In addition to that they were the BEST crab legs I have ever eaten!!!
Deadliest CatchKing crab!
Mary thought I should have a photo of myself on my 50th birthday so here you go this was me on my birthday!!
Me on my 50th birthday
Just had a minute so thought I would catch you up this far. More later...


  1. you don't look a day over thirty! looks like you had a great, great time!

  2. Happy Belated Brithday, Mamaspark!

    Glad you enjoyed your trip :)

  3. Happy 50th birthday. And I agree, you don't look a day over 30.

    We love the Deadliest Catch too. How perfect that you enjoyed crab from Dutch Harbor on your birthday. Do you think we could get them to send us some of their cooler weather?


  4. Yummmm crab, my favorite food. What a wonderful picture of you, such a very young looking 50. I noticed you changed the wording in your header LOL.


  5. Hey, that's not fair - you look like a kid! I'm so glad you had a good birthday. That pool looks fantastic!

  6. You look great. I just LOVE crab legs: my mouth is watering.

  7. That's the biggest crab leg I've ever seen!! Happy Birthday, you don't look anywhere near 50!

  8. Happy Birthday!!

    And OMG those legs are huge... I watch deadliest cats also but did not realise the crabs were that big...

  9. Happy belated Birthday to You! Looks like you celebrated well.


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