
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The rest of the trip

I figure you are all pretty sick of hearing about paradise but this is the last post about it so keep reading you might enjoy the scenery! There are also more photos on my Flickr account if you want to see them all. When we first went to the beach (Siesta Key Beach) we were greeted by this adorable sand sculpture someone had done. Notice the attention to detail? She is wearing the latest sea shell bracelet!
This is what I saw every time we were at the beach, the beautiful white sand and the amazing azure ocean. Paradise!
eaBeach 02
I just loved the pelicans too. I tried to get a close up but every time I had the camera they were not very close. I tried to get close and it took off, but look at how close it came to that guy standing in the ocean! I guess he didn't have his camera either!!
Beach 15Beach 16
As we walked to the beach we had to go through the sea grass path to get there. I think you can see the colorful beach umbrella's pretty well in this photo. One night we went back for the sunset. It was so beautiful!
sea grass 01Sunset 02
On my second to last night there Mary and I went out with 2 of her friends. You will see Sami on the left, Patti in the middle and Mary on the right. We had a lot of fun that night, everyone in the place knows Sami and they treated us very well.
Sami, Pattie and Mary
Oh, I almost forgot the other side of the condo complex leads to Sarasota Bay. There are a lot of things going on in the bay. I don't think you are allowed to swim on that side though. It is where there are lots of boats and it is part of the Inter coastal Seaway if I remember correctly. This is one view to the left and then the center of where I was standing. If you look closely you can see the blue herons in the bushes of the second photo. We went here one night also and heard this psshtt blowing noise. What was that? Dolphins breathing! We managed to see 5 of them and one manatee too. We could hear the dolphins before we could see them. Pretty neat.
More of the bayu
So that was my trip. It was fun and relaxing but I was also glad to get home to my normal life too. Six days away was a long time.

I flew home on Thursday and the airline lost my luggage. Of course they did! I went to a quilt show on Friday in Sylvania Ohio with my friends Cori (Crazyquiltgirl quilt shop) and LTW. I will post about that later though. When I got home my luggage was waiting for me, YEAH!

I'm feeling a little unmotivated at the moment. What do you do to get out of a slump? I think mine has to do with my birthday and the lack of recognition of it from my family. I know, I know, I got to go on a wonderful trip. I KNOW...but not one person in my immediate family (husband or children) gave me a card or any kind of a gift. It was a HUGE let down for me. I don't know why I am feeling like this but I am. I guess I felt like 50 should be a big celebration or something. When my DH turned 50 I made plans to go on the dinner train(he loves trains) and we had a great time. I went on a trip by myself. I know that was my choice but they still could have done *something*. I even left the address on the fridge and nada! My friends did more than my family and that really hurt me after all that I do for everyone in my family. I am sorry for whining, I just needed to get it out and maybe I will be over it in the near future. I'm trying not to be so selfish about it but it's hard. Any suggestions??


  1. So glad that you had such a wonderful time in my little bit of paradise. I love Florida. If you find the answer to your question, can you share it with me??

  2. Happy 50th Pam! (sorry it's a late wish) It looks like you had a great time in Florida. And that quilt you made looks spectacular! I love it.

  3. Maybe they're planning a big surprise now that you're back! maybe? That beach is just gorgeous.

  4. Ah, paradise. No, I could never get tired of looking at it - my screensaver has almost 400 pictures of tropical beaches! I'm so, so glad you had a good time.

    I'm so sorry about the letdown with your family. I turned 50 in March and had the same thing. Right before I went to bed, dh came over and gave me a fifty dollar bill. HA. This is after my family and friends came over and we celebrated. I agree, 50 feels like it should be special - I'm used to buying my own gifts, but for 50? C'mon peeps. Yes, I'm still hurt. Big hugs, Pam!

  5. Awww such a beautiful beach and what lovely friends!!

    In 32 years, my dh has remembered my birthday maybe 5 me I make him pay for that LOL.


  6. Anonymous6:48 AM

    You have all the right to whine!! Your family thinks the Florida trip is the present and that's it. That might be so but how about a card, some flowers a cake????? You should tell them, nice and calm that it dissapointed you, talk it over, get it off your chest. If you don't talk, people don't know how you feel. 50 is special and you're not a selfish person:that should count for something!!

  7. Thanks for showing the pictures they are great.....I would have a little talk with your family and say how hurt you are, even if you had a handmade card, that would be something! Jim will be fifty in ten days and I will have to make him a card as we are so SO broke!
    They might have a little surprise for you, you just never know.
    its good to talk,,,:O)


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