
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Give Aways

I found t20 more fabulous give aways. One is at Quilt 'n' Stitch and is a Bunny Hill kit. I can't remember how I found this blog but it is attached to the Quilt 'n' Stitch Marketplace.

Also here is a $50.00 give away at p.s. i quilt's blog.

Both are things you should go and sign up for. go on get going. You can do it in the comfort of your own air conditioned home, hardly no effort at all!!

Have a great Saturday. I'm off to make Nicole's Pizza dip for a family get together!


  1. I made that dip, and it was fabulous! And a hit with the teens.

  2. Hope you had a nice family get together & thanks for the blogs
    Hugs Janice

  3. Thanks for all of the giveway information.


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