
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday Night Wrap Up

I am thinking I will start a Sunday Night Wrap up with anything I didn't get a chance to blog about during the week. What do you think? First up. I received this pattern I had ordered. It is a disappearing 9 patch and I saw it done up in Neptune fabric line here and it was so awesome, I just have to make one too. Second of all I received this fabulous fabric in the mail this week. I am thinking owls. Maybe Snowy White owl? Another choice is to use snowflake fabric for her. Opinions?
Jewel BoxNew Feathers
The next thing I didn't get a chance to blog about was some gifts some of my friends have given me recently. My friend Ruth Ann was not around for my birthday. Some nerve going on vacation when it was my 50th but whatever. She got me this adorable bag and note book. Excellent, another notebook for to do lists. Good thing too as the other 2 I have are almost full! Thanks Ruth Ann! You are such a sweetie!!
Owl gifts
Next up is LTW. She stopped by last week and brought me this adorable bat pattern. Eat your heart out Diane. These bats are too cute!
Bat Pattern
Then LTW just *happened* to see this adorable b&w cat fabric that she felt I just *had to have*. I think she was right! I could see using this with one cat colored in using that colored pencil technique. Wouldn't that be fun? She also snatched up this cute Halloween panel. I think it must have been the gigantic cat. He is the cutest and LTW is the BEST!! (Shhhh don't say anything but her birthday is on the 19th!! I'm gonna have to get her something great!)
B and W catsHalloween Panel

We had a family gathering on Saturday. It took the entire day and night. We got up, I made food, we left and drove for 2 hours and got there around 2pm. I have no idea what time it was when we finally got home, but it was dark. I actually never looked at a clock (and I had a few adult beverages so I really didn't care, except that nothing was getting done that night, I'm just sayin'.)

That means I had to make up for it today. YIKES! I had to finish sewing around the NW cat logo for the center of the NW block. Remember the Penn State Logo? I thought that was a pain, welll, let me tell you that's because I hadn't done this one yet! I have one more to go but it is with LTW and I will get it back tomorrow. GREAT! When will this end? Oh yeah, next Sunday when we get together and make the quilt.
NW logo
As I was preparing the little logos to go on the Big Ten block I had this sinking feeling that I may have appliqued the "W" on backwards. I guess you should trust your gut cuz, sure enough, I had to re-do that one too. Makes me a little mad at Wisconsin, why can't your W go either way??
Which one is correct
So I made another 2 of those and began putting the Big Ten block together. I usually make this block because all the logos have to be appliqued around the block. The fun just never ends with this quilt. I'm wondering, if I have done all this pre work does that mean on assembly day I get to supervise and drink wine? Probably not! *sigh* Anyway, I finally got the points right, and the block assembled and the logos fused and stitched around and just the sashing left. No big deal huh? WRONG. Since we are making 2 of each block I had to end up cutting 2 more sashing strips. No big deal you say? It's only one block you say? Well, all the other kits needed 2 more strips cut for them too. I finally got the entire block finished around 9pm and I had been working on all of this since around noonish. I even forgot to eat dinner!
Big Ten block 09
I'm really happy with how this block came out though. I was thinking that we will have 22 blocks to make on Sunday (I have 2 of this one done) I wonder if I should make all the QST units and trim them so we just have to assemble the "9 patch" units and sash. There are 5 of us and 3 are relatively new to all this. I am just beginning to panic about getting my owls finished. I thought you might like to see Mosen sleeping in the IKEA bag full of the Big Ten fabrics, Goofball!! Mosen in BT bag

I think I mentioned that my MIL's mother passed away on Friday. The funeral is going to be Tuesday so I will be going to that with the family. Please keep my MIL and her family in your prayers. Even though her mum was 96 it still hurts to lose her! I hope you all have a productive and fun filled week! I appreciate you stopping by and leaving some comments. Kind of makes it all seem worthwhile! XOXO


  1. You had some lovely gifts
    Please accept my condolences on your loss & i will keep you & your family in my prayers
    Hugs Janice

  2. Yes, yes, yes! That feathers fabric is screeching snowy owl! I will keep your MIL and the family in my prayers too.

  3. Oooo lots of goodies!! Yep a Snow Owl MUST be made from that fabric.

    I'll keep you family in my thoughts.


  4. stop, stop, stop! you are making me dizzy! you are a whirling dervish, that's what you are!

    oh yes - those bats are cute ... and i love the idea of Snowy White - perfect fabric for her - AND since you are so into making two (or more) of everything i'd be happy to send you my address when you get the second one finished! chortle

  5. My sympathy to your MIL and family. No matter what age, it is hard to say the final good bye.

    I've never seen that disappearing 9 patch pattern before. Love the speed of the 9 patch but have been trying to figure out a different setting. Thanks for the idea!!

  6. Wow Pam I love your fabrics and you couldnt find a more perfect fabric than that you have got for the snowy owl, its lovely!! Id use fabric paints to have fun with filling in those cats, the coloured pencil idea sounds fabulous too. I love your gifts that you have recieved they are so cute.

  7. Pam. That fabric is PERFECT for Snowy. I love it! Love your gifts too, especially the Lindarella pattern - love her stuff. Yes, even the bats.

    You must love a challenge, doing those Big Ten blocks - holy cow! Great job.

    I'll be praying for all your family tomorrow.

  8. Pam, those bats are too cute.....and I think the fabric will be great for Snowy. Got some great gifts there too.
    I can't even imagine me trying to do those Big Ten blocks...thats way over my skill level....Will continue to pray for the family. It takes time to heal.

  9. My sympathy to your family, and yu have been a busy girl!

  10. Dear Pam I am a little behind in checking up on your blog. I am sorry for the loss of your MIL's mother. And I think the fabric should make a lovely snowy owl.

  11. Sympathy, and prayers to ease the pain of loss.

  12. Pam, I love those bats they are too cute. Sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers. Anne

  13. I love that black and white cat fabric! (No surprise!) And your Log Cabin Christmas tree is fantastic! How about more of the colorful "balls" , around the border?


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~