
Sunday, September 06, 2009

Disappearing 9 Patch Swap

I guess you should all know by now that I am addicted to swaps. I love doing them. Maybe because I feel less like I am starting a new project, but I really am, kinda, and that feels great. Does that make any sense at all?? The fabulous Jane over at Jane's Fabric, is hosting another swap. This time it is a disappearing 9 patch in aqua and red. (We got to vote on the block and the colors). I think there is still room so if you want to join go on over and check it out. I think these are the fabrics I am going to use. I need to sew 25 of these and then cut them into quarters.
DP9 Patch 001DP9 Patch 002
Well, I'm off to IKEA with DH (I'd rather be here) to shop for stuff for DS's room. Let me know what you think of the fabrics.


  1. I love your fabrics! I am in Jane's swap too - I'm glad your aquas look like mine - I was getting a little nervous that my "aqua" might not be everyone else's "aqua" if you know what I mean! I sent you an email a week or so ago about Jane's halloween swap - did you get it?

  2. I'm doing the swap, too!

    I like your colors, but I, too, will be worried about my aqua.

  3. Oh yes, I love red and aqua, your red dot is great and I love the swirls in the aqua. These will be beautiful. xo

  4. Very bright and cherry to me!! I like them!

  5. thanks for the head's up... i might join!

  6. The fabrics look great! But - another swap? Sweetie, I need some of your energy!

  7. Just looking at the fabric on the blog it was okay but clicked to get a better view & it nice i like it shows up much better
    Hugs Janice

  8. The fabrics are nice, you can't go wrong with red...especially with polka dots :0)


  9. I'm in this swap, as well; just couldn't resist. Love your fabrics.

  10. I'm in this one too! Love the blocks!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~