
Monday, September 07, 2009

DP 9 Patch's for swap...check!

I hope everyone in the US had a good Labor Day holiday today. I was kind of a slug really. Yesterday I got half of my 9 patches finished and so I finished the other half today and then I cut them into quarters. Here is what 4 of the blocks look like together. I really need to get them on their way to Jane.

DP9 Patch 003

Remember, if you want to join in the swap goodness just go over to Jane's blog and sign up. You can click the image on my side bar and it will take you to her blog. C'mon, you know you want to! It didn't take very long at all to have them all finished and ready to go.

I think I am going to take this Friday off from work. I *tried* to take last Friday off but it didn't work. I had something I needed to have a person from work do part of on Thursday so I could take it to my boss to have to work on all weekend. Well, this person went golfing! Now that's OK, but it meant I had to go in on Friday. At which time I realized the boss would only be around until noon. So I prodded the other person to get his part to me and he finally did by around 11:30. So I put it into the document I needed to put it in and then I needed to print. Noooooo, the document (in the slowest program ever) would not allow me to view or print. I worked on it for 20 minutes. Finally, it was ready to print. So I printed it and raced to the boss's office. Nooooooo again. He was in a meeting. So I waited. And waited.....and waited. Finally I went back to the lab and called him. Oh, he would be out of his meeting around 1. Great, and I didn't bring a lunch. Ok deep breath. Go back at 1 an wait. Until 1:15, when they leave his office and he is going to walk the person out. FINE. Wait some more. He comes back with a woman looking for a department that is not even in our building, and he has volunteered me to get her to where she needs to go. FINE, sit down and when we are finished I will help you. 15 minutes later, I go to get Sunshine but need to go back to the lab to email some things to the boss. Get my stuff and take Sunshine to where she needs to go (3 buildings over from ours). Then walk to my car. Finally, I can go home, oh, it's only 2:30. So much for taking Friday off!! Hopefully this time will be better.

I want to go on a shop hop on the way up to see DD2 on Friday. I asked my friend Pauline, to go with me. So we will see how that goes.


  1. Your blocks look great! I hope your day off goes better this week....good heavens. You sure know how to make a girl feel good about being unemployed.

  2. Never fear, I shop hopped for you Friday. LOL Next Friday you can shop hop for me. OK?

  3. Stunning colours - and I love how you set it out for the photo - very creative. This will be a really interesting swap I think. I passed on this one but will watch with interest.

    Good luck with your next day off!

  4. Well the blocks look great.....and boy would I NOT want your Friday at all. Hope the next one is better.

  5. Oh bad Friday, but GREAT blocks!!!!

  6. Your blocks are lovely. You did a wonderful job!

  7. Very interesting to see your disappearing nine-patch. I've just done this pattern using a variety of scraps. I really like how yours turned out. I'll give your approach a try. Inspirational. Thanks for sharing.



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