
Sunday, December 06, 2009

Craft Show

I had a busy weekend but I will begin with Saturday and since it is kind of late and I have to be up early will most likely finish the story tomorrow. Friday night I went to the church to help set up for the craft show that the POKE-N-STAB quilters were in. (STAB stands for St. Thomas A'Becket, my church). We sure had a lot of stuff to put out. Then Saturday morning at around 8:30 I went back to the church to drop off the cash box. Of course I did a little shopping too. I found a little something to send to one of my friends that lives out of town but in the country. I'll let you puzzle that out.

This is what our "booth" looked like at the show. Last year we were crammed into a small space but this year we had lots of room to spread out.

Christmas Craft Show2

Christmas Craft Show 01Christmas Craft Show 03
We did amazingly well! It was a successful day indeed. I then went home and decided I wanted to get the tree up and the house decorated. I managed to only get the tree up and the lights on it. DD1 and I took some more boxes to her storage facility so now at least I can get to the decorations! LOL. So hopefully this week. Sat night we met our friend, Shelby for dinner and we got to meet her new boyfriend. She is a widow for many years now and we are glad to see her so happy. He seems like a nice guy, very down to earth. We had a great evening but that meant nothing else got done until today (which nothing got done in either). Like I said though, it is late and I am tired so more tomorrow.


  1. Oooo lots of great stuff!! I'm glad you did so well :0)


  2. Glad you had a good sale! BTW, when can I expect the call telling me which quilt I won? :-)


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