
Thursday, December 03, 2009

I Got Gifties and other intersting stuff!!

I couldn't remember if I had shown this after it was quilted so I am going to show it again! I made this for the son of my French daughter. Blandine was an exchange student with DD1 back when DD1 was in the 5th grade (she was 10 and she is now 24, so 14 years ago). She came here first and then DD went to her family's home. We all fell in love with Blandine. She was so cute! She didn't speak much English and we spoke even less French, but we somehow communicated. We were lucky as we got the BEST kid in the group. She loved us and we loved her. She cried unconsolably on the way to the airport to go home. We cried too. Who knew you could love someone you only just met and in 3 short weeks? Well, our little girl has had a baby! I just found out recently as they are not big on email and I am not a great letter writer, LOL. I realize that if she is our "daughter" then this makes her son our French grandson, right? Am I right? YEAH!! our first grandbaby!! From the minute I found out I was drawn to Odyssea from Moda to make a quilt for him. So...TA-DA, here it is. LTW quilted bubbles into it for me and PTM did the binding. Isn't it beautiful?? I just sent it off in the mail yesterday, so I hope she receives it soon.

Andrew's quilt 04
Then, my sweet Nutbud Quilter, Faith, send me a wonderful golden package. Inside this package were these wonderful things. Some books, chocolate and some beautiful FQ's. On top of all that, some adorable quilt tins with cats on top. There was even a thimble inside one of them!! Faith, I love them all, thank you so very much. I can't wait to read the books and especially to use the tins.
Christmas from Faith 02Christmas from Faith 01
As I said before, I packed up my sewing room = ( but fear not, I still have things to do. I know you were all sweating over that one. I had quilt group on Wed and thought, hmmm what am I going to do there for 3 hours?? Why, cut out a new quilt of course, silly! And you thought I wouldn't have anything to do. PAH! You know I don't have enough to do with finishing up my UFO's so I *must* begin some new UFO's (or finished quilts whatever). I bought this pattern a little while ago and then when I was looking for fabric to finish that lighthouse quilt for LTW, I found the fabric to make it up for a reasonable price so I got it. I thought I would make it up in the colors it called for and if I like it i will use some of my own colors later. I do like the colors they chose too but might have chosen some different ones too. So you can see the cut fabrics and the pattern. Have any of you made this pattern yet? She has nice modern patterns if any of you are interested.
City Scapes
I have to get the display ready for the craft show on Sat but set up is tomorrow night so I am going to go and help with that. Then I went and got money for the cash box tonight so I will have to go to the sale on Sat am to deliver the box. Then Sat night DH and I are going to meet my dear friend, Shelby's new beau. She lost her DH several years ago, now, and I am so happy that she is moving forward with her life. It has not been easy but I am excited to meet this one as she is sure he is "the one". I will keep you posted.

What are you working on during the holidays??

Oh yes...I forgot to tell you, I posted the next 2 blocks in the My Neighborhood BOM today. Sorry I was late but...


  1. that is one sweet baby quilt! and i love the quilted bubbles.

    your French grandson's name isn't Claudel, is it? cuz then you would have to call him Fergus, you know.

  2. Well hey there GRANDMA that is one beautiful quilt! I adore the bubbles. She needs to be better at emails so you get lots of pictures!
    I love what Faith sent you! Next time I see you, bring the Women of Camelot book, I want to look at it. I assume the chocolate will be long gone. *snort*

    I love Cherry House Quilts patterns, I have one that was a freebie that I downloaded and it's on my someday list. Cityscapes is GORGEOUS.

    Enjoy your weekend - and thanks for the new blocks!

  3. i love the quilt for your french daughter's son...took a bit of working out but i am slow like that!

    love the look of that camelot book too...might look it up on crazy for those types of things...just watched the new merlin on dvd

    the cherry house quilts range are fabulous...cherri is in my flickr group Fabric Patchwork and Quilting and is a sweetie...she has a book coming out next year with some fabulous quilts in it

    am looking forward to seeing cityscapes sure cherri would too

  4. Great quilt, great package and I'm really intrigued over the City Scapes book. Hurry up and get it made so I can see what it looks like, I can't really tell that well in the photo LOL.


  5. Im so pleased you got the package OK...Women of Camelot so reminded me of quilts and you!! hee hee.
    The thimble is suppose to be more than a hundred years old that was what the antique dealer said anyway lol. I love your baby quilt the colours are great.


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