
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Life Lately (or I really need more hours in a day)

Have you been wondering where I have been lately? No? Well I am going to tell you anyway!

Last week Tuesday the CL's had a Christmas party. We did a small gift exchange and it was fun. I am ready for a break from that group right now though, after some of the "stuff" that had happened. Maybe some well deserved time off is in order. What do you think?

Then on Saturday, the family went to East Lansing to go to a mass to remember my MIL that has been dead for 30 years. My DH's entire family, including my FIL and his wife, and all 7 brothers and sisters and all the kids, except for 2 were able to make it. I thought I would get a holiday photo of my family while I was at it.

My Family 03

Before we got to the church we stopped in Mason, a small town outside of Lansing. There is a little general store there with fabric called Keans (I think) and I found some of a line I liked when I saw it online. So here is what I got.


They also had the Alice in Wonderland line and it is really fabulous in person. I didn't want to buy any as I really don't know what I would do with it and I am trying not to buy what I don't have a use intended for (Like the fabric I just bought, sigh)

I did manage to get the entire downstairs decorated for Christmas. It sure takes a lot of time to do that!

Anyway...DH and I went to Shipshewana on Monday. I will blog about it in a little while. I have to get back to work for the moment. Genotyping is never finished!! = )


  1. Sound like a great time! Glad that you are enjoying the holiday!

  2. I love to shop at Keans, not just for the fabric but for all the other pretty little goodies they have. Did you make it to Yards of Fabric too? Another favorite place. Karen

  3. you have a lovely family! you already know that, but i thought i'd mention it just the same.

  4. Goodness you have been busy. A lovely picture of the family :0)

    Off to read the other post.


  5. You have been very busy, girl! But that's what makes the holidays, yes, and family! Glad you could see them! Enjoy! Merry Christmas!

  6. I love going to Shipshewana and Mason! Does Kean's still have the old fashioned candy counter? Did you see the Lord's Supper quilt at Lollys? Your family picture is wonderful and LTW did another great job quilting.


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