
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Travels to Shipshewana

So DH and I went to Shipshewana, Indiana on Monday to do some shopping. Why does this make me so happy? Because there are multiple fabric shops there. Lolly's and Yoders Department Store. But...I digress. The start of this story begins on the drive there. We were driving down US 12 when an "Oversized Load" truck went by followed by this:

Wind blade 01

WTF? you might be asking as was I, when DH tells me that it is a blade for a power generating windmill. HUH?? It is ENORMOUS!!! So we passed a total of 6 of these on our way to Indiana. We stopped at a light in Jonesville and there was one trying to make the turn. DH went around the block for these pics for you guys, just so you can see how BIG they really are, Ready?
Wind blade 02Wind blade 03
That is the length of a city block!!
Trying to make the turn:
Wind blade 04

Seriously HUGE, can you tell I was enraptured by them??

OK back to Shopshewana. We arrived and had to go to Jo-Jo's for pretzels.
MMMM Pretzels
Drooling yet? They are wonderful when warm and with their mustard!

Then to Lolly's. I won't bore you with the pics inside the shop (they are on Flickr if you really want to see them). I bought a little bit of fabric, no really, not very much at all. Why are you all laughing??
I bought this panel to go with a pattern I already had
It is the one in the middle. I got the American Jane one while in Mason and the Hanky one at Yoders.

Remember how I told you I finished up the Peter Rabbit cross stitch blocks? Here is one:
I got fabric to make them into a quilt. More about that after Christmas when I can get them all out and make the design I have in my head. But I bought these for that.
or maybe these which I got at Yoders Department Store,
Although the batiks are for a quilt for DD1 later and the aqua just "cuz".

I bought a few other fabrics for Christmas gifts so I can't show you until tomorrow as we are exchanging tonight. I also bought a shirt for my friend that has horses:
I scored these adorable tea towels at Vintage Home.
They had a lot of cute retro stuff. But I showed a lot of restraint and it was hard!
Vinatge Home 01Vinatge Home 03

Then off to Rebecca Harrer's place for some old quilts and Mercury glass ornaments. This one was a beauty. So small.
Postage Stamp Quilt
Even Santa made an appearance.
Then we found a new to us antique shop Vintage Mast and I bought a few things but this was cool, an old cloth children's book. I am thinking I can scan it in, print it on to fabric and make a quilt with it. The pics are so cute!

You get the idea.
Then we went to the bulk food store where I got steel cut oats for .67/lb!! and other great deals and on to Yoder's Meat and Cheese shop where we bought lots of meat and cheese. We love their bacon and their dried beef, YUM. No pics of that though. Lots of walking and lots of together time with my DH. We had a really fun day together!

I have to scoot off to home now and get ready for the CHVQ Christmas Party at PTM's house, so I will write more tomorrow. I still have things to share, not about the trip but important none the less. Have a wonderful evening!!


  1. We just saw a show on TV the other day about a company that was hauling those windmill blades as well as the pieces that make up the tower! I can't imagine what it would be like seeing them coming down the road!

  2. I live in southern Ontario where we are surrounded with windmills. They are quite tall and you can see the red lights shining at night from them.
    I also love shopping in Shipshewana. Always fun stuff to see.

  3. I have the cloth Baby Animals book! Does that make me an antique?

  4. I am soooo jealous. Drooling to over the pretzels--I can almost taste them. Those windmill blades are huge. Perhaps they were going to the windmill farm that was built in Indiana this past summer. Rebecca Harrer's is another favorite place to browse through. Love those antique quilts.

  5. My DH (now retired) was elec. Supr. for the City and we visited these sites our here. Standing under them is a whish, whish, and the hubs on top hold many people and equipment. It's hard to imagine way up there is an office! In this location, the cattle were calmly grazing under them.

    Last I heard, the blades were being imported from Denmark? or was it ??? They are beautiful aren't they, and relatively quiet.

  6. Aren't those blades impressive? They are building lots of wind farms here so I see them going down the interstate a lot. Lots of really pretty purchases. I wish we had a great town like that.


  7. Your Peter Rabbit cross stitch block is so cute !!! I can't wait to see the whole blocks when you'll finish !

  8. Those windmill blades are amazing to see!! We have them around here too and have watched truckers carry them! Well, you scored! Love your shopping items! And those pretzels!! I want one!! Merry Christmas!


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