
Thursday, February 25, 2010

500th Post Give Away!!!

Yep, can you believe it? I have done 500 posts (actually this is 502, LOL). I was talking with PTM last night trying to decide what to give away. What should it be? Something amazing, right? You all wouldn't mind something amazing now would you?? When guess what? PTM offered me something I just could not pass on. Now you might want to sit down to hear this one. Many of you do not know PTM as she does not have a blog. She is one of my bestest friends and she is meticulous about her work. METICULOUS, I tell you. Makes my work look like a third grader did it. Fortunately she is a wonderful teacher and I have learned a LOT from her. All this being said she offered to donate for my give away an entire set of the embroidered blocks (NOT the patterns) from the "Rabbits Prefer Embroidery" pattern. She has them all done and her hand work is stunning! Here is what the pattern looks like (photo from Bunny Hill's website)
I will share the next 2 blocks of this that I have done but hers are much better than mine! Here is block 4 and 5, done by me.
RPE Block 4RPE Blcok 5
So if you want a chance to win these fabulous blocks (all 13 of them) then leave me a comment and tell me why you would like to win and what you will do with them if you do win. I will draw the winner on Monday.

On to news about Matt. I received a text from my son this am and he had received it from Chris, Matt's brother and here is what it said:
"Hey, just letting you know Matt is ok. He's got some scabs on his face and his arm is in a bandage cast deal and his vision is blurry but he's ok".
Now these words came from the brother and I will talk with his mom once they are back home, but this sounds like good news!

I thought I would share the 4 blocks I made last night for Matt's quilt. I put them both ways so you could see the fabric more closely.
Matt's blocks 004Matt's blocks 005
Once again, let me say that I appreciate all of you that have volunteered to donate a block(s). I am looking forward to seeing them all!

Now don't forget to let me know if you are playing along in the Jelly roll quilt-a-long and leave a comment for a chance to win here too!!


  1. I love the blocks and rabbits. Please put me in the draw and I think I would combine the blocks into a cot quilt or small single to add to the series of smaller quilts I am making for gifts. I have a small pile of quilts that are destined to give away in a range of colours.

  2. The quilt is looking great. Thank God for our soldiers.

    I would love your friend's embroidery work for a couple reasons:

    1) I'm just getting into embroidery myself so I really appreciate the well done work (as I work on getting to that level).

    2) Our house is in sad need of Easter decorations.

    I would use the blocks to make a wall hanging and table runner for our Easter decor. :)

    And congrats on your bloggy milestone!

  3. Congratulations! What a great giveaway prize! I would make the blocks into a quilt for my daughter. I owe her one and she would be thrilled if she got a bunny quilt with embroidered blocks, because she loves to stitch (and she's only 11). Thanks so much! :0)

  4. I would make the blocks into a wall quilt to hang in my red kitchen/dining area opposite my sliding glass doors where we can watch rabbits play.

  5. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Congratulations on your 500th post! I would be overjoyed to win the bunny blocks! Heck I would be thrilled to win the pattern.

    Glad to hear that Matt is going to be okay. As an American I feel a deep and abiding gratitude to our armed forces. I hope to have my blocks in the mail soon.

    Sew long,

  6. congratulations on your 500th post - pretty doggone amazing!

    let's see ... why would i like to win? cuz then i wouldn't have to stitch them myself and cuz i'm sure that LTW is much better at embroidery than i am ... and what would i make? well, a QUILT - and i would borrow (okay, okay - STEAL) some of Auntia's red and white paper-pieced BOM blocks and make it a BIG quilt - ha ha ha!

  7. Congrats on your 500th+ post! The patterns are adorable. Weird timing because I just posted about learning embroidery today. I would love to win the set of patterns so I have hand work for our summer trips. I would set them together in a quilt as well. So cute!

  8. oh my these are beautiful...I just love redwork of any kind so of course should I be so fortunate as to win them I would definitely make them into a quilt with coordinating red and white fabrics!!! Congratulations on your 500th post, what an accomplishment!

  9. Congratulations on your 500th post! What incredible embroidery! These blocks would make up such an adorable quilt for my daughter. Thanks for entering me :-)

  10. Wow 500! Way to go! i love love love redwork. you do a beautiful job by the way. What a great friend you have! claudia

  11. The rabbit blocks are so adorable. I would love to make some small quilts to decorate my home with them.

  12. They'd be SO CUTE made up into a little wall hanging to decorate for Easter!! That's so wonderful that PTM would donate those for your giveaway! Thanks for the chance. I sent 2 blocks yesterday for Matt so plz lemme know when they arrive. Yours are BEAUTIFUL!

  13. ohhhhh. I would SEW love to win these wonderful blocks!! If I won them I would make them into a quilt to hang in my sewing room. It would bring me joy to have them in my happy little sewing bubble :)
    Congrats on 500!! That's A LOT!!

  14. I would love to win these blocks-they are so cute and make me think that spring is coming around the corner!


  15. What a happy set of blocks. I would use them for a wall hanging in my foyer. Who could walk in the door and NOT smile when they look at those cute bunnies?

  16. Congratulations on your 502nd give away! And I was lucky enough to win those cute embroidered blocks, I would put them together as a wall hanging for my Mother's 90th birthday in May!
    Yes, I'm going to do the jelly roll quilt along too.

  17. Congrats on 502 posts! and how wonderful PTM for donating the bunny blocks!

    If I were to win, I would make a wallhanging for my 'Quilt in my kitchen' :)

  18. Oh how *darling*! I love the things of Bunny Hill! I've not seen this particular pattern before. I would love to have it to share with a grandchild. To quilt it into a beautiful story-time quilt and snuggle up with a (future) grandchild and read lovely *cotton* tales under it!

    Congrats on your 500th post! How exciting! :)

  19. thanks for the wonderful give a way. I would love to make a quilt for Scottish Rite Childrens Hospital if I win.


  20. Oh I love that pattern and have for a very long time! I would put the blocks together like the quilt is shown--I would then love it and love it! It would have a very special place of honor in my home, so that I could see it daily and smie. Thank you so much for the chance to win the blocks! I can see why she is your bestest friend--so generous to donate those blocks! Thank you so much to both of you!

  21. Congratulations on your 500th post!! Wow, that's quite an accomplishment, many give up on their blogs long before that. I love Love your Rabbit blocks and how generous of your friend to give them to you for your giveaway. I would use them to make 2 quilts for my little great nieces (ages 4 and 6), their parents are going through a divorce. I think they need some quilty love during this difficult time in their lives. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  22. oh my gosh ...the blocks are beautiful!! I love redwork and if I won I would sew them into a quilt that would hang above my sewing machine so I could look a them and feel happy!

    Thank you for the chance to win!!

  23. Wow - how generous of PTM! We need to get her to the Sewing Expo next year. Love that pattern, Pam!

    I'm so glad things sound so good for Matt!!! Your blocks look fabulous!

  24. Congratulations!!! What an awesome giveaway! I would love to assemble the blocks into a darling walhanging for our house for Easter...I know my Grandson Cole would love to look at it!! Thank you for all that you share!

    Mary Jo in Iowa

  25. These blocks would look great in a children's quilt. I would love to pair them with some 1930 repro fabric.
    Great to hear Matt is doing well.

  26. Congratulations on 500+ posts! Who knew we'd have so much to say! LOL - Keep it up, sure makes the world a smaller place...

    PS don't enter me in the giveaway - I have too much stuff already! Ha ha...

  27. WOW!!! 500+ posts Whew.
    The bunnies are gorgeous and would go beautifully with the Peter Rabbit theme I'm doing for my first Grandson.
    Thank you for a chance to win,P.

    Do you still have room for another volunteer for Matt's quilt?


  28. You speak about your bestest friend PTM alot. Good friends like that are hard to come by. You are lucky to know her.
    She is a very special lady and I've also had the pleasure of learning to quilt from her. I would love a set of her blocks as a keepsake for my family. We love her to death.
    Congratulations on your 500+ posts!!

    Laura Francis

  29. Oh how I luv bunny hill patterns. If I won your contest I would keep it with my rabbits prefer chocolate quilt!

  30. WOWSA! What an amazing giveaway (and generous friend). I think your blocks looks amazing so I can't imagine what her's look like! I have always wanted to make a quilt using blocks from stitchery but lack the talent. I hope I win so I can finally have one!

    And, of course, congrats on your 500th (502nd) post!

  31. Love the bunny blocks!!! And I'm liking all those red and blue blocks. String quilts are so much fun. And it's very nice what you are doing for Matt.

  32. First of all Congrats on your 500th post. Thats quite a milestone.

    I would absolutely love to win your friend's embroidered blocks. I can't tell you how many times I have looked at this pattern and wished I had time to do them. I have so many works in progress that if I ordered than one it would sit on the shelve for a bit. Now if the blocks were already done I would be ahead of the game & would just have to add some fabric & make it into a wall hanging for Easter. Lets see - thats 5 weeks away. I would have time.

  33. I love how Matts quilt is turning out! Once all these wonderful blocks have been put together, it is going to be amazing!
    I love those bunny embroideries! I would probably turn it into a lap quilt like it is supposed to be - but it would look great as an Easter table runner or wall hanging!!! Actually, yeah, if I win I'll turn them into an Easter table runner!

  34. Anonymous7:13 AM

    What cool friends you have! PTM does beautiful handwork, so no matter who wins, they are a lucky soul!

    Our thoughts stay with Matt as he recovers from his injuries too. God speed!


  35. Congratulations on the 500th!!! I love the bblocks. I have just become addicted to redwork and embroidery and love the pattern, I just can't get all the embroideries done that I'd love to. I wish I was have as good as your friend!!!


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