
Friday, February 26, 2010

Matt's Blocks

I am so excited! I got my first blocks in the mail (or in person) today for Matt's quilt. The first ones I received were 10 from Pauline(PTM)! Then the mail came and I got 2 from Jeanne. Thanks gals! Now Jeanne, if you are reading this, you forgot a note for Matt with your blocks. Can you email me something so I can include it? Jeanne and I actually met IRL one summer and she is a real sweetheart. You all know that PTM is amazing, so enough said!
From PaulineFrom Jeanne
To my great surprise I received a block from another person, Balinda. Come to find out this is the first string block she has ever made. Great job, Balinda!! It's a beauty. She even wrote her note on the back of the block so Matt would have her words forever. Now I took a photo so he would at least know what she said!
From BalindaBack of Balindas block
I can't thank you all enough. I need something like 60 total blocks for what I am going to make. I have made 6 so far and with what I have received so far we are off to a good start. Keep em' coming gals!!

I had a minute to shop yesterday and bought this from my friend Cori's online quilt shop. (Be sure to go and visit her, especially if you are in the Jelly Roll quilt-a-long as she has some of the BEST prices on the web and she is a sweetheart too!!) I digress, here is one of the things I bought. A jelly roll of Verna. Isn't it gorgeous? I also bought some fabric for gifts that I didn't take pictures of since they are for gifts, DUH!! You wouldn't want me to spoil it for them now would you??
Verna Jelly Roll
I had the day off today to go to a meeting with our financial planner, BAH!! I HATE these things.
BUT...that left the rest of the day to play, YEAH!! So I made DH take me to Sam's club, that was good. I can get the most amazing green beans there, even at this time of year. Then I called PTM and asked her go come out and play. It was snowing like crazy and PTM does NOT play in the snow, so I went and picked her up and we got into lots of trouble at JAF!! They have these wonderful project boxes in 2 sizes and the big one is usually almost $30 but it was on clearance today for $10!!So I just *had* to get 2. They has sparkly green or red, so I got 2 green. The small one, normally $17 was on sale for $7, so I may get some of these for Christmas gifts. I also got another 10% off so that was great, right? Then I drove our sorry butts to the gym where we proceeded to sweat like an oldie for an hour. I took her home after that and came home too.

Tomorrow is weigh in at the gym followed by 2 hours of torture working out with Body Vive followed by an hour of ABS work. WHEW!! Wish me luck! I hope you all have a productive Saturday too.


  1. Anonymous4:52 AM

    I'm not planning on being that productive today! I'm going to town with C for a day of shopping (C's clothes are ALL getting too big!) coffee and lunch. Tomorrow she promised me a day with again lunch and visitibg a quiltshop.
    I'd sure wish we had those bargains here!

  2. Sounds like a good day of shopping..great bargins. i need a few of those.


  3. Shopping is always so nice!
    It's always fun.

  4. The blocks look great! I mailed mine off yesterday.

    At least the day wasn't completely ruined since you got a little shopping done.

  5. I am hoping that mine will be in the mail to you on Monday--the snow and ice here in the Northeast has kept me in! They are all packaged and ready to go! Love what you have received already!


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